This strange creature with a fish-like body but with frog legs may be a long-nosed batfish known for its ability to jump and walk on land.
Compared to the vast ocean world, human understanding is still extremely limited. Who knows, thousands of feet deep under the deep blue ocean is the home of mysterious sea creatures that humanity has yet to know. Therefore, the appearance of a strange creature that looks like a fish but is a hybrid of a frog on the coast of the city of Santos, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, surprised people of ‘here.
As can be seen, this creature has a fishy appearance with two fins developed next to the body. But the fin looked like a frog’s leg and a small outstretched wing.
Based on the shape, it is speculated that this strange creature could be a long-nosed mutated batfish. As a result, his mouth developed an abnormal mass of excess flesh.
According to the collected scientific documents, the long-nosed batfish has the scientific name Ogcocephalus Corniger. It is a fish known for its ability to walk with its special fins. Therefore, people also call it “walking batfish”.
The long-nosed batfish have very low swimming ability, but they have well-developed pectoral and pelvic muscles, which is the advantage that makes this fish able to walk. In addition, they also have the ability to jump and drag people on dry land.
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