A sudden storm and a severe storm emerged to help the Japanese escape the critical situation before the Mongol invasion. According to the Guardian, in...
Fruits should always be kept fresh to retain their flavor and available vitamins, especially fruits after peeling. Many times you have peeled flowers but not...
Mongolia is considered the most powerful empire because the extraordinary things they do have never appeared in history, and are also difficult to reappear in...
In 218 BC, the famous Carthage general Hannibal, with 38,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry and 37 war elephants, crossed the Alps, setting up a miracle with...
Annual assessment report on the state of climate change and the human capacity to respond, announced on December 3, the United Nations declared this decade...
Many prosperous cities are renowned for having splendid architecture, a rich and lavish life of residents, as well as great legacies for mankind. 12. El...