Scientists have captured the rare moment of Jupiter’s eclipse, when its mysterious moon Io shines in sunlight. In the image taken by the ALMA super-telescope...
Not all races can reproduce without harming the next generation. Therefore, owners of cats and dogs are forced to follow certain rules. As a practice,...
Now scientists have an extremely powerful tool to help them directly observe the mysteries of the universe … Supermassive black holes are intrinsic components in...
Laree Clarke saw a poisonous bowl-sized hunter spider on a wall in Townsville, Australia on July 30. Clarke personally posted a photo of the growing...
Kate Culley, 41, came across a bright pink grasshopper, possibly due to a genetic mutation, in her vegetable garden in Gloucestershire. Kate Culley caught a...
Unexpectedly, a family in Melbourne, Australia found their eight week old dog in a way that couldn’t be “more exotic.” Within days of performing the...