Tigers are top on the list of fearless predators and can finish a whopping 80 pounds of meat in one sitting. Since they are lords of their habitat, many animals dare not cross their path or drag prey with them. However, some wild creatures do have guts and must go for what they want, even if it means fighting the tiger. Without further ado, we look at the 15 animals that can defeat a tiger!
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Lions are prodigious cats found in Africa and Asia. They are social animals that live in packs called pride. A pride consists of at least one adult lion and seven lionesses. The males spend their lives defending their family while the females are active hunters. It is only when there is aggression from a big mammal that the male intervenes. While an adult tiger can grow up to 10 feet tall, the African lion grows only to 9 feet. In a fierce battle, the tiger would have a hard time taking the lion down. Physically, both creatures are an embodiment of strength, resilience, and courage. However, an altercation is rare because both animals live in different habitats.

The forest experiences the battle of titans whenever the crocodile and tiger clash. Crocodiles are aggressive to each other when trying to impress a potential mate. In rare cases, they would leave their competitor and find another prey.

To kill, this animal clamps their large jaws down on the victim and swallows the meal whole. On the other hand, the tiger would sneak on their prey before biting them on their neck or the back of their head. When both animals met in the Indian mangrove in 2011, both were ready for a big fight. It is the first documented case of an encounter with two animals, and it was worth it. Guess who had the upper hand? The crocs did!

Tigers are their number one enemy. They are known to attack themselves, especially when they’re under pressure. Altercations often happen because this animal loves to mark its space aggressively to keep rivals out – including members of their species.

When another adult invades their space, it leads to a deadly confrontation. Two males can also fight for the love of a female until one dies. The victorious one becomes the father to the cubs, and a new family is birthed. Unfortunately, the tigers in captivity outnumber those in the wild. This isn’t good for them since they prefer to live in their natural habitat.

The Gaur is a massive monster. It is the largest species of wild cattle that inhabit parts of Asia. They grow up to 10 feet and can overpower just about any creature that exists. An adult male weighs a mind-blowing 1,496 which sends the right signal. They are considered one of the most dangerous in the Asian forests and are even more dreaded than the tiger. Tigers are experts at ambushing, but their tactic doesn’t always work out with these wild cattle.