Science Ping

The lesser-known effects of brown mekabu algae

Although it was studied hundreds of years ago, not everyone knows its usefulness in helping to limit oxidation, good for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Since ancient times, Japan has transmitted the therapeutic effects of seaweed, especially kombu, mozuku, wakame, and many other types of seaweed. Over 100 years ago, scientists discovered that the water-soluble dietary fiber of fucoidan in brown seaweed has high nutritional value. Many countries around the world have started to study the effectiveness of care and health protection of algae, including mekabu.

Brown mekabu algae are thicker than everyday algae, belong to the folds of the wakame stem, have a special shape, are located near the roots of the Undaria Pinnatifida seaweed, contain many vitamins and pure Fucoidan content. Wakame leaves are used to make soups, while crispy but viscous mekabu spores are often soaked in vinegar and mixed with melon or soy.

According to documents from the Japan Fucoidan Research Institute – NPO, the ingredient Fucoidan extracted from the spore of cold water brown seaweed mekabu has a galactose (a type of glucose) ratio of 28.5% and the sulfate substance of 39. , 2%, fucose 28.1%. Therefore, brown wakame seaweed contains a lot of fucoidan, but mekabu spore leaf extract has a higher content, more pure, has many anti-oxidant support effects, inhibits the growth of bad cells in the body .

During the 8th Annual Meeting of the Natural Immune Society of Japan, the human umbilical venous endothelial cell (HUVEC) selection experiment was conducted to verify this effect. Samples of fucoidan derived from mozuku and mekabu with different concentrations were added to the HUVEC culture medium. By adding another control, HUVEC cells continued to be added to phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The results showed that the two types of fucoidan have different concentrations of blood vessel inhibitory effects. However, the effects of fucoidan extracted from mekabu were greater.

Blocking the formation of new blood vessels around bad cells is indirectly preventing them from spreading throughout the body. This is the effect of fucoidan extracted from brown mekabu algae.

According to the research, the results of the mekabu papers showed that the fucoidan contained in this algae enhances serum immunoglobulin (IgA, IgG, IgM). In addition, the Japan Food for Health and Nutrition Association (JHFA) pointed out, fucoidan extracted from mekabu against influenza virus, allergies and reacts positively to skin cell tissues through multiple experiments.

In addition, the brown seaweed mekabu contains many anti-aging substances, rich in vitamins A, C, E and K of the group which support the anti-coagulation mechanism. This helps the circulatory system to run smoothly, preventing hardening of blood vessels and atherosclerosis. This seaweed also helps maintain healthy bones, contains abundant folate – the B vitamins used in the process of cell division. In addition, the iodine component is used for the production of thyroid hormones.

While Fucoidan extracted from brown mozuku algae plays a major role in promoting the “mechanism of apoptosis to destroy bad cells”, the mycelium extract of agaricus prevents bad cells from multiplying, growing, fighting. against tumors, limiting the process. antioxidant and immune stimulant for the body. The three-component combination of Fucoidan extract from the spore leaves of cold water mekabu brown algae, mozuku brown algae and agaricus mycelium extract creates a synthetic formula, activating the effects of each ingredient.

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