A plaice about 47 cm long with a large indentation on the body was discovered in the state of New Jersey, USA. When fisherman Eddie Grant reeled in a fluke that took his bait in Raritan Bay, he got more – and a bit less – than he expected.
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It’s not your average fish story… the fish were biting the day when Eddie Grant of Middletown, NJ felt a tug on his line. Grant, who was fishing from his friend’s boat in Raritan Bay just off Keyport, proceeded to reel in a fish like nothing he had hooked before: an 18.5-inch long fluke with a large, crescent-shaped bite in its belly the size of Grant’s fist!
“We were all shocked and could not believe what he looked like,” explained the 45-year-old Grant to Carly Baldwin of the Woodbridge Patch. Fish bite other fish all the time, of course, but this was VERY different. “It was not a fresh bite,” stated Grant, “he was healthy and healed – just missing a large part of his body.”
Grant has seen a lot in a lifetime of fishing in Raritan Bay but this wily survivor takes the cake. “Mother Nature is incredible and he must be a tough fish,” said Grant, who figures the fluke was chomped by a large bluefish or a shark but managed to escape, though not unscathed.
Touched by the creature’s indomitable perseverance, Grant unhooked the fluke and tossed it back into the bay though not before snapping a couple of pictures first… this was one fish story that required “pics or it didn’t happen” evidence.
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By Source: patch.com
1. Unbelievable! Dogs run like kangaroos.
2. Caught two mouth fish in Australia.