Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Transgender women outnumber men

Experts document how a female sea eagle changes sex and grows larger than a male.

A female Asian wrasse’s transgender moment was recorded by experts on the BBC’s Green Planet II program, the Telegraph reported on October 23.

The Asian sheep-headed sea bass has a special shape with protruding parts on the head that resemble a forehead and the chin on a human face. Women have the ability to change their gender, not only breaking off future relationships with men, but also becoming new adversaries when looking for a mate.


This is the first time that transgender women have been detailed by scientists. Even the post transgender woman becomes taller than the male.

Scientists believe that fish do this because when they become male, they can inherit more genes. However, why some women remain the same sex while others have changed is not yet clear.

The Asian sheep-headed eagle is one of the largest in the world, which inhabits the western Pacific. Adult fish can be up to a meter long and weigh almost 15 kg.

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