Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Birds “read” the password to receive the bait

When the pink stripper returns to her nest, her offspring must make a special sound to receive her mother’s prey.

In the animal world, a mother’s cry is wonderful for her young. But for the elf (Malurus cyaneus), vocalization plays another important role, Science Daily said.

If young strippers want their mothers to feed themselves, they must issue a “password”. It was the monosyllabic sound their mothers learned when they were in the eggs. Young birds uttered monosyllabic calls and other sounds. The mother only attacks those who give the correct password and ignores the others.

So why does the stripper have to teach her kids how to generate a password to receive prey?

The Cu cuckoo, a bird that has a habit of laying eggs in the nests of other birds so as not to have to raise its children, often chooses the first bird’s nest to “send” the eggs. After the cuckoo hatch, they will take all of the young stripper’s prey as they are bigger and stronger. Even the cuckoo also finds a way to push the pink stripper out of the nest to monopolize the prey. In order to minimize the risk of raising other people’s children, adults must find a “password”. The female also teaches the male a password so that the male recognizes his baby when he is bait.

“Male and female will only feed the chicks if they recognize the password in the tweet. In the event that the chicks do not give the password, they will leave the chicks and make a new nest, ”said Sonia Kleindorfer, member of the research team.

Kleindorfer and his colleagues unknowingly discovered the use of the rose’s password while investigating bird warning calls. They saw the nymphs singing next to the unborn eggs – an unusual phenomenon. Then they saw that the young rose bushes gave the same monosyllabic sound. But the baby bird’s monosyllabic call in any nest is not the same as the monosyllabic sound in other nests. This shows that every mother teaches her baby a unique password the moment the eggs are not hatched.

When scientists turned the eggs from a nest to a nest, they discovered that the chicks emitted the new mother’s password, not the one taught by their mother. This is proof that chicks have to learn passwords.

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