Science Ping

What should people with liver disease eat to recover quickly?

Early-stage pathological liver damage can be reversed with a healthy diet.

Diet for people with liver disease
Fatty liver disease caused by alcohol

In alcohol-related fatty liver disease, patients primarily lack a B vitamin called thiamine, which is needed to convert energy from carbohydrates. Therefore, foods rich in thiamine such as whole grains, yogurt, legumes, seafood, fish and eggs should be added to the patient’s daily diet. In addition, an adequate intake of protein and carbohydrate, as well as drinks rich in vitamins and energy are a very good dietary solution for patients with alcohol-related fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver disease is not caused by alcohol

In nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, one of the best ways to reduce liver damage is to develop a diet that meets the following criteria:

Hepatitis C

For patients with hepatitis C, it is important to treat the disease to reduce iron-rich foods. Also, avoid cooking food in iron utensils and utensils and limit salty foods.

Bile duct disease

In biliary tract disease, bile from the liver to the small intestine is restricted, making it difficult and improper to digest fat. Patients with this disease are recommended to use fat substitutes and seed oils such as canola oil, olive oil, corn, sunflower, peanuts, and cold seeds.


Cirrhosis of the liver reduces its ability to release stored glycogen for energy, leading to the body using muscle tissue for this function, causing muscle wasting and malnutrition. Therefore, patients with cirrhosis are recommended to consume 25 to 35 kcal and 1 to 1.2 g of protein per kg of body weight per day. It is best to have a snack between meals (usually 2 to 3 hours after each meal). Appropriate snacks include toast, crackers, fruit, cereal, and milk. Patients are also advised to limit their intake of salt, canned foods, high sodium bottled water, salted butter, and instant sauces.

Wilson’s disease

Wilson is a metabolic disorder caused by a buildup of copper in the liver and other organs. In this disease, the liver is unable to metabolize and remove copper from the body. So don’t eat foods rich in copper like chocolate, nuts, mushrooms and shellfish.

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