Science Ping
Animal Other Pets

What is special about a 20 kg giant chicken?

The giant chicken named Brahma is internationally recognized as “the king of the chicken” due to its superfluous weight of 9kg-18kg / head for the rooster and 7kg / hens.

Because there is hair covering the body right down to the toenails, the overall appearance is more like a Tibetan clam than a chicken.

Brahma adapts to the harshest weather conditions, extremely strong resistance and few diseases. And many countries around the world have been fighting for decades. Each country believes that this rare breed is its country. From India, Bangladesh, Turkey, China, Russia, America and finally Great Britain.

Vì là một giống gà ít phố biến, do đó người nuôi giống gà Brahma này tin rằng nó mang lại cho họ nhiều may mắnAs it is a less popular breed, the breeder of this Brahma chicken thinks it brings them a lot of luck.

In 1852, this breed was bred by Queen Victoria herself. And then shared with the British aristocrats to breed. Because it is a less popular breed, the breeder of this Brahma chicken believes it brings them a lot of luck, strength, luxury, wealth or power. And now this breed is available in Vietnam.

Hiện nay giống gà này đã có mặt tại Việt Nam.Currently, this breed is available in Vietnam.

The Brahma is a large breed of chickens with a stately upright physique and a large head. The chicken feet are strong with thick, soft feathers covering the toes. This chicken can hatch and raise its children well even in the most extreme weather conditions.

Brahma chickens have a high weight, averaging around 9-18 kg / chicken for a male and around 7 kg / chicken for hens. Brahma produces around 70-90 eggs / year and the eggs weigh around 55-60g.

Brahma là một giống gà lớn với một vóc dáng thẳng đứng oai vệ và một cái đầu to. The Brahma is a large breed of chickens with a stately upright physique and a large head.

Because the Brahma chicken has a majestic physique and is believed to bring a lot of luck, strength, elegance, wealth or power, it is hunted by many enthusiasts.

In Vietnam, the price of the old Brahma variety is not cheap. For chickens aged 2-3 weeks they cost around 400,000 VND / chicken, chickens reared for 4-6 weeks around 600,000 VND / chicken and parents have prices ranging from 15 to 30 million VND / pair depending on the colour.

Ở Việt Nam, giá của giống già Brahma không hề rẻ.In Vietnam, the price of the old Brahma variety is not cheap.

Recently, an Indonesian black chicken named Ayam Cemani appeared in Vietnam and sold for over 50 million VND. Due to the very high iron content of the meat, black chicken is known to be very good for pregnant women. They are native to Java – Indonesia and are hunted by many world giants. They even said that eating black chicken would bring them prosperity and good luck.

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