Science Ping

The weirdest fish on the planet

With unique and unique appearance, Sunfish, Wobbegong Shark, Fishing Rod, Astrological Fish, Red-lipped Bats, Drip Fish or Goblin Shark … are known as the Fishes the most bizarre. planet.

11 strange fish species in the world

Fishing above the falls

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Cryptotora thamicola, scientific name for waterfall fish, is a species of ray-finned fish that lives in deep underground caves in Thailand. Hence, they are also called cave fish. Their eyes were completely gone. However, what makes Cryptotora thamicola’s fish unique is that it especially enjoys swimming in strong currents, even in vertical waterfalls. They use 4 fins to grip the slippery surface of the rock so that the water cannot be washed away. They can also climb the cliffs behind the waterfall.

3-legged fish

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The 3-legged fish is one of the few static animals. Like corals, sponges, anemones, and other marine life, they stand still, waiting for plankton to approach the attack. Their three fins are very thin, extending lengthwise, allowing them to stay in place under the deep ocean. 3-legged fish only move when absolutely necessary. They use their two front fins to catch and draw food into their mouths.

Without needing to hunt prey, the ankles are mostly blind. In addition, they are hermaphrodites, so they do not live in groups and often do not encounter other individuals of the same species.

Astrological fish

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Stargazer (astrology or Japanese star) has the scientific name Pleuroscopus pseudodorsalis. It is a fish that usually lives at a depth of 40 to 800 m at the bottom of the sea, with a body length of 18 to 90 cm.

With jagged, sharp teeth and fierce eyes, astrological fish are also ranked among the ugliest fish in the world.

Sneaky predator, the upturned face allows the astrological fish to hide most of their body in sand or mud, waiting for their prey to swim up close. When they open their mouths, astrological fish can transform into “killer pits” with the ability to swallow prey of similar size.

Some species of astrological fish can even attract prey with their long tongues. Some other species have extremely poisonous spikes on the back of the head or an electrical discharge organ between the eyes. It is a weapon that helps them paralyze small prey or cause pain in larger species.


Belonging to the Phreatobius family, the catfish is a rare and mysterious animal. These are the only fish that do not live underwater, but often crawl in piles of wet leaves along the banks of streams. Their skin is pink, slimy. Since catfish live mostly underground, their eyes are mostly blind.


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The title “the world’s most exotic vertebrates” belongs to the buffalo tongue fish. When they are born, they are relatively normal. However, during the growth process, the skull of the buffalo fish gradually deformed. Finally, their eyes are on one side of the body. This structural feature allows the fish in particular to lie down on a flat surface, disguised as a carnivorous mat.

The pectoral fins of the buffalo tongue fish have gradually shrunk over time. Most of them have elongated lips or a muzzle that wraps around the front of their jaws, making their mouths look like a tooth hole, allowing them to capture prey from both sides of the body simultaneously.

Moon Fish

Moonfish has the scientific name Mola Mola, is a large sea fish, often diving in deep water, where the temperature is very low.

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This fish has a rather strange shape. Overall, they have an oval shaped body rounded in front and flat towards the tail. The length of the body can reach 3.5-5.5 m. In particular, the mouth of this fish is very small, each jaw has two teeth stuck together to form a beak. With such a peculiar mouth, they cannot swallow large prey but specialize only in eating small crustaceans and other plankton.

A mother sunfish can lay up to 300 million eggs after just 3 weeks of pregnancy. Once hatched, the fry are only slightly larger than a grain of sand, up to 600 times smaller than the mother’s body. However, the fry grow very quickly, only 15 months after the eggs hatch, they can increase to 373 kg.

As a child, the sunfish, like many other fish, swims very strongly in groups. Until they grow up, they become more and more lazy, live alone, and release their bodies floating along ocean currents.

Wobbegong shark

This fish inhabits coastal reefs north of Australia, New Guinea and neighboring islands, known to be one of the most “heterogeneous” sharks on the planet.

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Wobbegong has a rather large body in a flat shape, speckled skin color, and surrounding barbs, so they are also known as carp sharks.

The Wobbegong shark is known as the “master of camouflage” at the bottom of the ocean. Taking advantage of the colored speckled leather and algae-like mustache, they pose as corals, hiding in the sand on the seabed.

The shark’s ultimate technique is to stand still under the sand, when the prey approaches quite casually, it attacks quickly by opening its very wide mouth and then closing quickly so as not to let the prey escape.

Currently, the Wobbegong catfish is classified as an almost endangered animal.

Monkfish or Wolftrap (monkfish)

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It is a fish of the fishbone family Lophiiformes, living in the deep waters of the Atlantic and Pacific.

Fishing rods have a distinctive body with an “oversized” head, an unusually large upper jaw and can be folded down to completely close the lower jaw. In addition, they also attract attention thanks to the natural “fishing rod” on the top of the head.

The Wolftrap fish’s “fishing rod” makes the prey jump in their mouths. With its jaws and stomach capable of expanding on its own, the fishing rod can digest prey twice the size of its body.

Their ugly body shape is the advantage of fishing rods, allowing them to hide and wait for their prey to fall into their mouths. With the ability to hunt “extreme”, this fish is also known as the “monster” of the sea.

Bats with red lips

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Red-lipped bats have the scientific name of Ogcocephalus darwini. They are found in the deep waters around the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean and off the coast of Peru.

As the name suggests, red lipped bats have a very distinctive red lip with a flat, flattened body and fins that are wide like bat wings. Their red lips can be used to attract mates or to camouflage the hunt.

In adulthood, the upper fins of the red-lipped bat develop like a finger on the top of the head. According to scientists, this fin is used to attract, “trap” prey. Their food consists of fish, shrimps, crustaceans …

Water drop fish

Cá giọt nước

Psychrolutes marcidus is a species of deep-sea fish found in temperate waters. Their habitats are located in the deep seas off the coasts of mainland Australia (Broken Bay), New South Wales and Tasmania, as well as some deep waters of New Zealand.

The appearance is compared to the character of Jabba the Hut in the Star Wars movie, this fish has the ugliest appearance. The droplets have a milky white or pink skin color. Viewed horizontally, they resemble the face of an obese man with a cranky onion-shaped nose.

The body of the fish consists of tufts of gelatin of a density lighter than water, which allows them to float on the seabed, to withstand strong pressure. The droplets are “lazy” while moving. They float in the water, wait for the prey to pass and swallow it.

Goblin sharks

Cá mập yêu tinh

The goblin shark (the goblin shark) is also considered the most exotic fish on the planet.

They are considered prehistoric monsters, the only surviving member of the Mitsukurinidae family – dating back over 125 million years.

As a shark living in the depths of the sea, Goblin has an extremely ugly and scary appearance with a long, long nose like a beak. Additionally, goblin sharks have pink bodies and sharp teeth that can crush any food.

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