Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

The animal world and things you don’t know yet

The intelligence of owls, the secret weapon to help moths fight enemies, birds cannot live in space …

Let’s follow in the footsteps of science on a journey through the animal kingdom, observing their rich life and exotic abilities not everyone knows about.

1. The coat of a mole

The fur of the animals is laid out in a certain direction and they will be very uncomfortable if you stroke them in the opposite direction of their feathers. However, this is completely wrong for moles.
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The body hair of moles is smooth and rests in any direction on the skin and does not cause discomfort on impact.
It is a much needed adaptation. When living in tunnels that are no larger than the body and sometimes have to retreat, with such a mantle structure, moles will be much easier to move or change direction.

2. The viability of birds in space

Many people believe that birds can survive in zero gravity. However, the truth is not the same: birds cannot exist in space.

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The only reason is that most birds cannot swallow. The only way to get food into the stomach is by gravity.
You can see this clearly by observing how they drink: dip the spout into the water, then lift its head to let the water run down its neck. And if we bring a bird to the ISS, it is more likely that it will die of dehydration or else it will drown trying to drink water.

3. The butterfly’s weapon against the chase of bats

Bats are among the most talented and dangerous hunters in the animal kingdom, especially at night. Bats develop their ultimate hunting abilities through sound localization.

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They emit sound waves in flight and rely on bounce waves to locate their prey like a “radar”. Butterflies also use this weapon to get rid of the enemy’s claws.

Many caterpillars have evolved to the point where they can rely on sound waves to reverse a hunter’s position and react quickly to escape.

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Tiger butterflies have even greater protection. When they feel threatened, they make a series of noises to interfere with the predator’s “radar”, making it impossible for the hunter to locate them accurately.
The clip shows how a butterfly escapes from the pursuit of a predator.

4. The wisdom of owls

In many fairy tales or cartoons, owls often appear as an animal with great intelligence and knowledge. But is the truth in real life like this?

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Exactly yes, but it’s all about how to effectively capture and kill prey, other than that. The eyes of an owl are quite large, but its skull is small.
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With the ability to process a huge amount of their optical data, it seems the owl’s brain no longer has the ability to think about anything else.5. Optical positioning of the jumping spider

The hunting behavior of most spiders is trapping and waiting. The only exception is the jumping spider – a “nomadic” hunter, instead of spitting up and waiting for its prey to be trapped, the jumping spider uses its large eyes to locate and jump to grab the prey.
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Recently, researchers have started to understand the eyes of the jumping spider. They can change binocular vision by moving the retina around and behind it.
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The jumping spider retina is made up of separate layers of light-sensitive cells. Thanks to this, the eyes of the spider can accurately determine the distance between it and its prey.

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