When hunting for prey, this bird can fly at a speed of 322 km / h and they have keen eyes that can detect prey at a distance of up to 8 km.
When it comes to the most demanding bird, we can’t ignore the hawk. This bird has thin, pointed wings that allow them to dive at very high speeds, their maximum speed can reach 320 km / h, so among newcomers there is often a saying “as fast as cutting”. Refers to the incredible ability of this bird.

This bird has a very sharp and strong hook-shaped beak, as well as extremely sharp claws that allow prey to be knocked down instantly. Their fur is available in a variety of colors such as white brown, chestnut brown, black, and gray. Their main food is rodents.
In addition, the great hawk is one of the most common birds of prey, living on almost every continent in the world (except Antarctica). This species likes to live in large spaces, often hovering in coastal areas. However, today we can easily find this great hawk everywhere from the tundra to the desert. They even live on city bridges and skyscrapers.
Falcons can adapt to a wide range of living conditions, so we can find them today in all types of habitats. From the desert, to the Arctic, to the meadows, to the outskirts of the city… all the hawks are present.
The falcon is a very common bird of prey, found in all parts of the world except Antarctica. Whenever it is nesting season, we see a lot of big hawks flying in the sky for shelter.
Falcons nesting in the arctic tundra must travel nearly 25,000 km to reach South America to avoid the cold. Even more surprising, despite such a long flight, at the end of winter, the big falcon can still find its old nest.
The average lifespan of falcons is 12-20 years, under certain conditions they can live up to 25 years.
There are more than 40 species of falcon in the world. The largest falcon is the Arctic Falcon Gryfalcon, with a body length of around 50-63cm and a weight of 0.9-2kg.
The falcon’s flight speed is extremely fast. The great falcon (peregrine falcon) can fly at over 300 km / h. Under certain favorable conditions, hawk speeds were recorded up to 389 km / h. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird in the genus Peregrine from North America. With their large wingspan, they are known as the fastest in the animal kingdom.
This type has a fairly large body length, around 34 to 58 cm. The diet of this species consists almost mainly of medium-sized birds, it also occasionally hunts small mammals or reptiles, and even insects.