Science Ping
Strange News

Strange creatures with many legs can face each other

Russian fishermen caught a creature with a worm-shaped body and its head that could retract or stretch.

Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov shared on social media a video of the strange creature he caught on the high seas on November 14, Sun reported. Fedortsov does not know which animal it is. He has a worm-shaped body with lots of legs and a smiley face. The peculiarity is that his face can retract and turn around. Some people have commented that this creature looks weird and scary.

Fedortsov regularly shares videos and photos of the marine life he captures. He also admits that most of it confuses him. “I think these creatures are beautiful in their own way. I wouldn’t call them ugly or terrible,” Fedortsov says.

Ảnh chụp con cá màu đỏ cam với cặp mắt lồi và chiếc lưỡi sưng phồng do Roman Fedortsov chia sẻ hôm 20/5. Ảnh: Roman Fedortsov.

Fedortsov mainly fishes in the Barents Sea, in the Arctic Ocean, in northern Russia. It also travels to other parts of the world such as the waters off the African Atlantic Ocean. It caught many creatures living in the “twilight zone,” an area 200-1,000 meters below sea level, and humans only found less than 0.05%.

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