Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Scary hammer shrimp weapon

The hammerhead shrimp (Stomatopoda) – or mantis shrimp, mantis shrimp, boat shrimp – is a group of crustaceans comprising more than 400 species from the order of shrimp. People also call them mantis shrimp because they look like shrimp and have a pair of mantis-shaped claws. They are distributed in the temperate and tropical seas of the planet. The body length of hammerhead shrimp can reach 30 cm.

The hammer shrimp’s most powerful weapon. The shape of the claw is like a mass. They attack the bait by jumping as fast and powerful as possible. Along with crabs, snails, oysters, scallops and other hard-shelled prey, they use their claws to shatter the shell. The prey can die immediately after receiving the hammer shrimp attack, but when it fights against its fellows, their blow is not fatal. Hammerhead shrimp swing their pincers at extremely fast speeds (up to 23 m / s). Scientists confirm that when the hammer shrimp opens its claws, the acceleration of the claw is equivalent to the acceleration of the ball.

Due to the rapid expansion, hammer shrimp creates air bubbles in the space between the claw and the target. When the bubbles burst, they exert considerable force. This force supports the spring force of the fork, which greatly increases the ability to kill prey. If the plus does not hit the target, the prey can still die from the force created by the bubbles when they burst.

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