Science Ping

Pets are more superior than "dogs".

You will be surprised at the possibility of keeping a home of these animals.

Những loài động vật trông nhà siêu phàm hơn cả "cún” 1At the same time, geese are often very courageous when they see strangers. They are ready to move towards the opponent and to attack if problems are detected.
Những loài động vật trông nhà siêu phàm hơn cả "cún” 2
They will use their beaks to peck on the thief’s leg, arm, or any other possible spot. Successive surgery will prevent the thief from taking the plank the next time around.
In addition, we have to admit that dogs are at risk of lying down due to poisoning. During this time, the eyesight of geese is often poor at night.
Therefore, if thieves intend to poison geese with food, they can barely see to eat. The idea of using geese for theft control has been applied in many places and has had positive results.
2. Tip
Những loài động vật trông nhà siêu phàm hơn cả "cún” 4
Since ancient times, the donkey has been known for its incredible hearing and its high sense of territorial protection.
Not only that, for centuries people all over the world, from African countries to the cold highlands, locals have viewed donkeys as an integral part of the breeding process due to their ability to detect animals. aliens and fight them.
Những loài động vật trông nhà siêu phàm hơn cả "cún” 5When a donkey detects a stranger or dangerous animal, it first beeps. It is not only a warning for the intruder, but also a warning for everyone. If the danger didn’t go away, the donkey would kick the intruder over and over to chase him away.
3. Da horse (Llama)
Những loài động vật trông nhà siêu phàm hơn cả "cún” 6
Momentum is native to southern America. Not only for wool, the elk is also a great “keeper”. Completely opposed to its “calm” appearance, the moose is actually quite sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment.
Những loài động vật trông nhà siêu phàm hơn cả "cún” 7When threatened, they give a special type of audible warning, which is different from a normal call. Like donkeys, the horse elk belongs to a group of animals that are aggressive and aggressive in nature.
When danger is detected, the horse is ready to attack, hunt and defend its territory.
4. Filipino chicken
With extremely sensitive senses, Filipino chickens (or African chickens) are considered animals with an admirable warning system. In addition to the stubbornness inherent in the ability to throw quick kicks, the African Chicken will frighten the opponent with the sharp pear or sharp beak pecking in the leg.
Not only that, the two wings of the African chicken are extremely strong. Many people think that the body of the chicken is as strong as wood, scratching the African chicken is not easy.
The nails and beaks of African chickens are particularly sharp and can puncture plywood. Specifically, these chickens have the Spirit of Steel – once it is discovered that the target will only advance, not retreat and destroy, and strike the opponent all the way. Therefore, thieves will be really shy when they try to fight this African chicken.

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Science Ping

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