Science Ping

Detected 11 radio signals suspected by extraterrestrials

Scientists at SETI’s Breakthrough Listen have found 11 possible signals from aliens after studying nearly 700 nearby stars.

Breakthrough Listen, the world’s largest alien intelligence research project (SETI), has released preliminary results after two years of searching for radio signals from space. SETI researchers are examining 11 possible signals from aliens, Sputnik News reported on April 22.

According to researcher Andrew Siemion of the SETI Center at the University of California at Berkeley, the research data is accessible to the world as scientists on the project have submitted data and articles to astronomical journals.

“We haven’t found any suspicious evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence yet, but we’re just getting started. What we’re doing as part of the Breakthrough Listen project is moving forward. Carrying out more in-depth and systematic studies,” he said. Siemion said.

Two years ago, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and cosmologist Stephen Hawking invested $ 100 million in a decade-long alien research program called Breakthrough Listen. “This is the largest SETI project since Project Phoenix in 1995,” the team said.

In October-November last year, the project entered the implementation phase. Breakthrough Listen scientists and engineers install devices they developed to study life on the US GBT telescope and receive support from the world’s largest team of wireless telescope operators FAST in China.

Siemion and his colleagues published the preliminary results of their study of 692 nearby stars on the project website. According to them, there are 11 signals that can indicate the existence of aliens, captured by telescopes in different radio waves.

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