According to ScienceAlert, experts have found a second Earth very close to us and will announce the information at the press conference. News about how...
Two decades ago we still used dial-up modems, and today the world is within our reach. Advanced technological trends have emerged which will accelerate development,...
The school features lush green landscapes, sip springs and large caves as in Greek mythology. According to Acient Origins, Aristotle was an exceptional pupil of...
The Arapaima gigas – or Amazonian native seahorse fish, a giant monster with amazing abilities – has been overfished but is thriving again thanks to...
This breed was discovered by accident, by two legendary Italian cave explorers Alfonso Bietolini and Jani-Franco Brachi in the village of Jhangjhe, located at an...
Bird of Paradise is found in New Guinea and the surrounding islands. Two other species of paradisiacal birds called “manucodes” and “riflebirds” grow in Australia....