Other PetsThe child kisses the "crocodile" with an empty face like nothing and a variety of pets that not everyone dares to adoptScienceSeptember 22, 2020October 14, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 22, 2020October 14, 20200885 If you had the chance to choose one of the following animals as a pet, would you dare to choose? Today, when we talk about...
HealthDrink water as soon as you finish eating or wait 30 minutes later: many people get into the bad habitScienceSeptember 22, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 22, 2020October 15, 202001781 Drinking water right after eating is a very popular habit. But is this simple-minded habit really good or does it pose health risks? Most of...
HealthSee how every part of the body changes after we dieScienceSeptember 22, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 22, 2020October 15, 202001195 Let’s see how after death our human body will decompose every second, every minute. Did you know that around 150,000 people die every day in...
Focus Health25 years of vaccine progress wiped out by pandemic in just 25 weeksScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 13, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 13, 202003209 Over the decades, people around the world have become richer and healthier. The number of people living on less than $ 1.9 a day has...
Animal19 dark animals look like the messenger of the nightScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 202001229 They look so fierce, but most of them have pure souls who love life! Some animals that should only be mentioned by name can smell...
Animal Cat Other PetsThe boss suddenly turned yellow like Pikachu after being treated by a lotus mushroom with special therapy, netizens laughed.ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 202002543 The remedy that the owner uses to treat fungus in cats is a very familiar spice to us: turmeric. Recently, images have spread on social...
Animal Other PetsAnimals are only greedy, but self-inflictScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 202001176 Devouring a favorite food can sometimes be a risky for some predators. You know, when the eyes are bigger than the belly and the belly...
Animal Animal Rescues Other Pets35 years of suffering for the only elephant on the planet about to be freeScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 202001679 Kaavan is called “the lonely elephant of the planet” because he lost a companion 8 years ago and stayed at the zoo for 35 years...
Animal Animal RescuesRite of decoding crows: crows also mourn their dead, but in fact, is it just an act for their own benefit?ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 202003084 When a raven dies, its human companions gather together and perform a “funeral” ritual. Many of us will surely wonder if birds can mourn the...
AnimalSend the cat to her mother to take care of her on a business trip for half a month, the girl who returned was immediately surprised by the appearance of the animal she did not realizeScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 2020 by ScienceSeptember 21, 2020October 15, 20200871 After only half a month, Ms. Thai’s pet cat became an “alien”. Cats are a very fattening breed due to their nature, they do not...