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Amazing facts about sharks that amaze you

Sharks are one of the most dangerous sea creatures in the ocean. They are formidable assassins for marine life as well as for humans. Besides this danger, they also have some very interesting things that you would not expect.

1. The great white shark eats 11 tons of food every year, while the amount of food people eat during this time is only about half a ton.

2. Over 80% of people bitten by sharks still survive and tell their story.

3. Humans kill around 73 million sharks each year. Meanwhile, sharks kill 12 people a year. Sometimes they tend to get closer to people when they are swimming, in order to examine and then leave. In fact, sharks rarely choose humans for their meals, unless they are hungry or misunderstand that humans are dangerous. What if this happens? It will be a bloody test full of teeth.

4. When it is almost time to give birth, the mother shark will have no appetite to make sure that she does not even eat her babies.

5. Sharks change their teeth several times. Their teeth are not lost due to cavities, but are often stuck on prey.

6. Although many believe that sharks are the most dangerous animals in the world, in fact more deaths each year are caused by wasp or dog bites than by sharks. You are more likely to die if you are hit by a falling coconut than if you have been attacked by a shark!

7. The tiger shark, bull shark, and great white shark are the species that cause most human attacks. They hunt about the same size as humans and have fatal bites.

8. The great white shark is a notorious cannibal. However, they do not like human taste and often bite and then release the victim.

9. The shark whips its prey to tear the meat. Therefore, we have to stick to the shark when it is bitten if we do not want to be bitten by the limbs.

10. To defend themselves, humans can punch the shark in the nose or pierce their eyes. Sharks don’t want to have difficulty feeding.

11. Whale sharks can live up to 100 years!

12. The shark has such an acute sense that it can detect a drop of blood in an Olympic swimming pool.

13. Sharks will sink if they stop swimming.

14. Greenland sharks eat polar bears and have a lifespan of up to 200 years.

15. As their teeth develop, tiger sharks begin to prey on and eat each other while they are still in embryonic form in the womb.

16. Short finned Mako sharks can reach top speed faster than a Porsche.

17. The great white shark can swim for months without eating.

18. Most people think that sharks give birth. In fact, an adult female shark can lay eggs up to 14 inches (35cm) the size of a large pizza, fed in the mother’s body until flowering. The shark is the world’s largest reproductive creature.

19. Sharks are thought to have appeared over 420 million years ago, before dinosaurs.

20. Real sharks have extremely sensitive hearing aids that can hear prey at a distance of up to 900 meters. This trait makes sharks one of the ocean’s most formidable predators.

21. When a mother shark gives birth, the first born sharks eat the remaining eggs when they are not yet hatched. This happened on both sides of the uterus, there are only two sharks left.

22. It is surprising that sharks come in so many different sizes. Did you know that whale sharks can be up to 15 meters long, while lantern sharks are only 15 cm long.

23. Sharks have terrifying strong senses. Basically, sharks, especially white sharks, are actually born assassins. Not only do they have incredibly sensitive sight and hearing, but they also have electromagnetic receptors in their noses, allowing them to sense movement from what they consider to be prey. Not only that, they can also detect the smell of blood from a distance of hundreds of meters, equal to the length of the combined football fields. Even white sharks can smell up to 1.5 km.

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