Science Ping
Animal Dog Other Pets

A touching story about a dog who has waited for more than 9 years for his deceased owner on the station platform and leaves in grief all over Japan

Hachiko’s story isn’t that new, but it seems every time it’s told – especially in these five dogs, she always touches and admires this little Akita’s loyalty. “The love dog” – this phrase seems to be half on Hachiko.

It is no wonder among us that Hachiko – a dog who has become the symbol of other dogs, the Japanese mascot representing the animal’s affection and loyalty to humans – their best friends. On the occasion of the New Year – the Year of the Dog, maybe one of us will want to read this dog’s story again.

Hachiko – the dog of love has gone down in Japanese history.

When he was born in November 1923, this ancient pure Japanese Akita was called Hachi. Hachi is packed in wooden crates and sent the train south to his new boss, Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, who teaches at the prestigious Tokyo University. running out of free time to teach and chat with the Akita Hachi dog.

Dogs are the animal that most clearly reflects the care of its owner. Carefully nurtured by Professor Ueno, Hachi quickly grew, floated, and somewhat larger than other Akita dogs. This couple of a dog and a dog often walked together regularly on the way to the nearby Shibuya station; Hachi even waited for the owner to board the train and then leave; and every three hours, every day, when the train drew up, the reckless Hachi was already there to pick up his owner, whether it was summer rain or snow in the yard.

Câu chuyện cảm động về chú chó hơn 9 năm đợi người chủ quá cố ở sân ga rồi ra đi trong niềm tiếc thương của cả nước Nhật - Ảnh 2.

Regularly welcoming the owner has become an essential routine for the little Hachi children.

The happy days lasted until one day, to be exact May 21, 1925. Catastrophe struck when Professor Ueno suddenly had a stroke due to a cerebral hemorrhage while in the classroom. conference. But does Hachi know that? The dog happily ran to the station to pick up the owner, waited forever, waited forever but the owner did not return. Day after day, Hachi kept the habit of waiting for his boss, and just like that, without mastering the sun and rain, Hachi didn’t miss a single day on Shibuya station to wait for Ueno for 9 years, 9 months and 15 days.

Câu chuyện cảm động về chú chó hơn 9 năm đợi người chủ quá cố ở sân ga rồi ra đi trong niềm tiếc thương của cả nước Nhật - Ảnh 3.

Over the next 10 years of her life, Hachiko still has not given up her habit of waiting for her owner at Shibuya Station.

In 1932, after Hachi had waited for his master for 7 years, a student of Professor Ueno wrote an article about this touching story and published it on the front page of the Tokyo Asahi newspaper. Immediately, a lot of people became concerned about this loyal dog. Hachi’s name is changed to Hachiko – which means affection and affection; Also from Hachiko, the Japanese added the new dictionary “chukhen” – the faithful little dog. Even the Empress of Japan also praised Hachi; At the same time, the station staff also made Hachi a fur nest in the service room for the dog to stay on during rainy and sunny days.

Câu chuyện cảm động về chú chó hơn 9 năm đợi người chủ quá cố ở sân ga rồi ra đi trong niềm tiếc thương của cả nước Nhật - Ảnh 4.

Hachiko’s story is so pervasive that many Tokyoites have taken care of this little dog by default as part of their responsibility.

Over time, days, months and years, Hachiko was still regularly present at the station at 3 p.m., even though he suffered from arthritis and was too old. Finally, on March 8, 1935, almost 11 years after seeing his master for the last time, Hachiko – then 12 years old – was found dead in the same place where he was waiting for his master. people for many years. Rumor has it that this is a street Hachiko had never been before, but her body was pointing towards Professor Ueno’s grave. Hachiko’s life was overwhelmed by the decade-long waiting period at the age of 12.

Câu chuyện cảm động về chú chó hơn 9 năm đợi người chủ quá cố ở sân ga rồi ra đi trong niềm tiếc thương của cả nước Nhật - Ảnh 5.

On the last day of her life, Hachiko was still crying deeply for her boss. But when he left, Hachiko was not alone, as nearly all of Japan watched his heavenly footsteps.

Hachiko’s death made the headlines of many newspapers at that time, and we spent a whole day mourning him. Thanks to donations made by locals across the country, people hired sculptor Ando Teru to make a bronze statue of Hachiko. When the statue was completed and solemnly placed inside the platform, it had been waiting for its owner for almost 10 years on its own site.

However, a few years later, Japan went to war, everything that was metal was taken away as a weapon except for the statue of Hachiko. After the war ended in 1948, Hachiko was again sculpted with a new statue. This statue is located at Shibuya station until today.

Câu chuyện cảm động về chú chó hơn 9 năm đợi người chủ quá cố ở sân ga rồi ra đi trong niềm tiếc thương của cả nước Nhật - Ảnh 6.

The bronze statue of Hachiko in front of Shibuya Station remains to this day.

That was the story of many years ago, but now the image of a loyal dog in Nagano Prefecture, Japan has stirred many emotions in the hearts of the Japanese. The newspapers constantly publish many poetic works on the faithful dog Hachiko. The shops near the station are also quick to release many new items such as Hachiko stamps, Hachiko dolls … Professors see Hachiko as a shining example of loyalty for students to follow, famous artists as well. began to praise the uncle. The whole country has a movement to develop the Akita breed, in the hopes of raising such a loyal dog for my family.

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