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Animal Dog Other Pets

In the year of the dog, here are some interesting facts no one knows about the cutest animal in the world

This year’s zodiac dog is the dog – man’s most loyal friend. But in fact, he is no longer friends, becoming a relationship … sen – boss for a long time.

The dog is still regarded as an animal considered to be the most faithful friend of man. It is possible, but at least now we are no longer friends, because the human is nothing more than a lotus, every evening taking care of the “crane”. Men who stop eating and drinking are tired.

This “sen-boss” relationship between the “sen and the boss” may become even more strained this year. The reason why you probably already know this – it’s Mau Tuat Spring, the year of the bosses

Well, almost get used to it no matter if it weighs a year more. Now, let’s get to some boss truths, but make sure you can’t figure out how many years you’re serving.

Well, almost get used to it no matter if it weighs a year more. Now, let’s get to some boss truths, but make sure you can’t figure out how many years you’re serving.

Dogs have a pair of regretful sparkling eyes, and they often turn those eyes on us, making many people agree to be a lotus. Even before that, this boss just broke your living room.

Do not believe them! These eyes are really cute, but they don’t know what regrets are!

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 1.

According to the experiments of Dr. Alexandra Horowitz of Barnard University (New York), this is how we explain the behavior of dogs, not their real feelings. Even so, he wasn’t even afraid.

But in general, the lotuses will probably still be okay with being deceived for a while.

2. Dog urine has terrifying destructive power

If you continue to lead the dog down the street and let the boss “lightly step” on the light poles, you are likely to have to give up this habit.

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 2.

As you may not know, dog urine has a terrible ability to corrode metals. In 2003, Derbyshire County Council (UK) had to spend up to £ 75,000 (approximately VND 2.5 billion) to repair 1 million metal streetlights damaged by dog soles soaked in urine. In the same year, a series of streetlights in Croatia collapsed, and the bosses were also responsible.

3. The dog is not color blind

It is not known when, but many believe that dogs cannot distinguish color because the world to them is only white and black.

But in fact, the sight of dogs still allows them to see colors, but not clear, vivid like the human eye only.

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 3.

More precisely, the dog’s eye has 2 types of cones which can sense colors, while in humans there are 3. This proves that the dog can see blue, yellow, but cannot distinguish the color. red. and green. In turn, they can be seen quite clearly in the dark.

4. Dogs can smell the disease

The bosses’ ability to smell is beyond doubt. With a very sensitive nose, dogs can smell almost anything, even disease.

A study from Schillerhohe Hospital (Germany) showed that dogs have the ability to smell organic compounds in the human body and tell whether the body is functioning well or not.

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 4.

Even in 2016, a study was conducted in dogs to diagnose cancer with extreme precision. However, since the sample is too small, the results have not been widely applied.

5. Dogs are very intelligent

Canine intelligence is comparable to that of a 2 year old child. In which, the title of the smartest dog belongs to the Border Collie (Border Collie). In addition, poodle, Germany, Golden retriever are also the names in the top 5 smartest in the world.

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 5.

6. Dogs are very hot

A person’s body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, but a dog’s is 38. So hugging bosses in the winter is very hot, and dogs are also the target of insect attacks more than we are. .

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 6.

7. People with fingerprints, dogs with … rhinestones

In humans, fingerprints are relatively unique things that only individuals can possess. The dog is the same, but it is the line of the nose

For each dog, the bridge of the nose and the lines of the nose create a unique pattern that helps identify their identity.

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 7.

8. Dogs also dream

Like humans, dogs can dream, and their dreams often revolve around what happened during the day.

If a dog was beaten all day by its owner, his dream would be a nightmare. On the contrary, if he is loved, pampered, sweet dreams will come to the boss at nightfall.

Moreover, not all dogs dream in the same way. Small dogs often dream more, for example a toy the size of a poodle may dream every 10 minutes of sleep, while a Dalmatian’s dreams are spaced several hours apart.

9. Dogs love it

At least that’s true of Elizabeth Marshall Thomas’ dog couple – anthropologist and famous author. Thomas believes his pair of dogs – Sundog and Bean – are “in a relationship” as couples do on Facebook.

In fact, research by Professor Paul Zak of the University of Claremont (USA) also shows that dogs love. Specifically, the dog’s brain secretes oxytocin – the love hormone – when it interacts with humans and other humans. It’s like the reaction of the human brain to a hug or a kiss.

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 9.

10. How long have we been friends?

It has been a long time! According to paleontologists, traces of dogs that have become human friends date back at least 30,000 years, since the Ice Age in Europe (Ice Age Europe).

Nhân năm con Chó, đây là những sự thật cool ngầu chẳng ai biết về loài vật dễ thương nhất quả đất này - Ảnh 10.
 Mirror, Buzzfeeds

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