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A rare yellow salamander

The salamander has a yellow body due to a genetic mutation and is on the list of protected animals in China.

A rare golden salamander found in a river running through central Hubei province, China, MSN reported yesterday. Video filmed in Shiyan Town shows a two-year-old yellow salamander in a man’s arms. The 30 cm long animal weighs 0.3 kg and is called Dani.

The salamander is a protected species in China. “I have been in the salamander business for 16 years and have seen over 1.5 million salamanders. It is the only one that survives out of five yellow salamanders due to a genetic mutation,” said a trader. local.

Chinese salamanders have large heads, small eyes, and dark, wrinkled skin. They are aquatic animals, specializing in streams in rocky hills or clear lakes. They often hide in mud or dark rocky ravines along rivers, streams, ponds and lakes in deciduous and pine forests.

This salamander eats insects, frogs and fish. They have very poor eyesight, so they depend on a special sensory bump that runs down the length of the animal’s body from head to tail. They are able to feel small vibrations in their surroundings thanks to the bumps.

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