Science Ping

5 types of vegetables eaten a lot to be considered toxic

There are many vegetables that you need to watch out for when eating them will affect your health.


Chiết xuất bông cải xanh triển vọng phòng chống ung thư

Broccoli is considered a “super food” because it is rich in powerful antioxidants, has the ability to prevent cancer and heart disease. However, when consumed in large amounts, broccoli can lead to hypothyroidism, experts warn.

This is because broccoli also contains thiocyanates, which can make it difficult for the body to absorb iodine. For people with a thyroid problem, don’t eat too much broccoli. But eating a moderate amount of broccoli is very good, not only helps prevent many dangerous diseases, but also helps stabilize blood sugar, according to MSN.


Thực phẩm giúp lấy lại cân bằng cho gan nhiễm mỡMany health experts generally recommend that people drink lemon juice. It is a low-calorie, low-sugar drink that is high in vitamin C and antioxidants that can help strengthen the immune system.

However, drinking too much lemon juice damages tooth enamel, which makes teeth more susceptible to cavities. The best way to limit damage to tooth enamel is to rinse your mouth after drinking lots of lemon juice and preferably with a straw. This can reduce the contact between lemon juice and tooth enamel.

Spinach, beets and rainbow greens

Nguồn vitamin cao từ cải cầu vồngThese three organic vegetables are all nutritional powerhouses providing oxalates. Oxalates act as prebiotics, help nourish healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract, improve the functioning of the digestive system.

But for people with kidney stones, oxalates will make the condition worse. Because the kidneys are forced to filter these compounds, the kidney with a stone will not be able to filter them all. Gradually they will accumulate and create more stones in the kidneys.

The best way is to completely reduce the amount of oxlate in your daily diet. Or you can replace foods with lower oxalate levels like cabbage and cauliflower.


Bắp cải trắngEndocrinologist at The Physicians Clinic in London – Dr Mark Vanderpump points out that in cabbage, cauliflower and kale containing goitrogen can affect the thyroid gland by inhibiting the production of thyroxine activating hormone. Therefore, people with a bad thyroid should limit these foods.

Bean sprouts

Giá đỗ, tác dụng của giá đỗ với phụ nữ có thaiTưởng chừng vô hai nhưng giáo sư y khoa và dược tại Đại học East Anglia khuyến cáo những người sử dụng các loại thuốc chống đông máu không nên ăn giá đỗ. Bởi lẽ lượng vitamin K dồi dào trong giá đỗ và rau mâm xôi có tác dụng làm tăng tình trạng máu đông và gây phản tác dụng của thuốc.

Tưởng chừng là vô hại nhưng trong một số trường hợp các loại rau củ quả lại tiềm ẩn những tác hại nguy hiểm với sức khỏe. Vì vậy, trước khi sử dụng bạn cần cân nhắc kĩ lưỡng để tránh gặp những ảnh hưởng không mong muốn.

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