Science Ping

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Raisins were accidentally found on vines by humans around 2000 BC, and it was one of the most important nutritional discoveries ever.

Many people believe that raisins can cause tooth decay because they are high in sugar and often stick to the teeth. However, a study published in the journal Food Science (USA) recently showed that raisins not only fight tooth decay, but also provide many health benefits.

Plentiful vitamins, fiber, and minerals are found in this dried fruit, making it a super food. As a result, raisins are foods of high nutritional value, rich in fiber, vitamins A, C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, low in fat but capable of producing a lot of energy, easy to store and delicious and are a rich source of iron.

According to experts, raisins do not stick to teeth long enough to cause tooth decay, but on the contrary, they can help remove food particles stuck in teeth. In particular, raisins have been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Based on a comprehensive review of nearly 80 studies, experts found that consuming raisins may reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, contributing to better blood sugar control in diabetic patients and is useful in weight loss or weight control. efforts.

In addition, the consumption of grape-based products also helps to acquire better eating habits. A five-year US National Center for Nutrition and Health Survey (NHANES) analysis found that people who consumed fresh grapes, raisins, or pure grape juice had a total consumption of other fruits, dark vegetables and important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins A, C, calcium, magnesium and potassium that people who do not consume grape products. On the other hand, those who ate grapes also consumed fewer calories, ate less fat, sweets, and drank less alcohol than the control group.

Dried broth has long been used by followers of Ayurveda (the traditional Indian system of Hindu medicine, dating back over 5,000 years) as a method to cleanse the liver and intestines. In fact, the detoxifying properties of raisins have been scientifically explained by their own rich amount of antioxidants and fiber. The antioxidants in grapes are important components that help the liver to function properly and perform the body’s detoxifying function effectively. Meanwhile, the high amount of fiber promotes digestion, increases the number of stools, and helps cleanse the intestines. Drinking dry water on an empty stomach will help the detoxification effect to be promoted faster. Therefore, a glass of grape juice that has been soaked overnight and drunk each morning after waking up is an effective method to help us protect a healthy liver on a daily basis.

In addition, with a high micronutrient and fiber content, sugar free and no artificial flavors, drinking raisin water every morning is an efficient source of energy for the body.

In addition to the health benefits mentioned above, raisins with excellent nutritional values are also known as foods that support the treatment of constipation, fight tooth decay, fight bacteria that cause mouth heat, and gum disease and significantly reduce the risk of cholesterol. to develop cardiovascular disease.

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