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Animal Dog Other Pets

Why do dogs often scratch the ground and dig?

What does a dog scratching the ground and digging with its paws represent, and does this action make any sense? According to research by scientists and doctors, this has clear behavioral implications. If you want to know what that means, today Petlife will answer it for you.

To explain this, it is believed to be one of the instincts of dogs. In the past, when they were first found and discovered, dogs often lived in small burrows and the dog’s bed was lined with leaves and dried moss to create a soft, comfortable feel. The dog used two paws to dig through the leaves in the most comfortable place to lie down. Over time it became the habit of almost all dogs and until people brought it into the house that instinct stuck.

In addition, scratching the ground is also considered entertainment for dogs, because when digging, the dog’s face is very intelligent, happy and relaxed. While digging, the dogs watched, ran around the place they were digging, and continually changed position as if to admire “his work”.

You can easily see that if the dog lives in the yard, there will be little holes that look like a circle but are more elongated. Using paws to dig these holes allows the dog to reduce body heat. Holes in the shade or under trees are the perfect places for dogs to sleep during the hot summer.

It might sound silly, but dogs are actually very intelligent, able to think about digging in the ground to bury things. If you want to store an object in a safe place without being detected, dogs often use their paws to dig a hole in the ground, put the object in it, and then use their noses to spread the ground to fill the hole. The strange thing is that after a while the dog will dig up and bury the object elsewhere, this can be done several times but many people still do not understand why.

If the owner comes out and locks the dog alone in the house, in the bedroom, the dogs will mistakenly think they are abandoned. So scratching the house, scratching the wall to find a hole can come out.

Dogs believe that if they often dig in the ground, they can find a delicious piece of food like a bone. Therefore, the habit of digging in the ground for food is repeated several times a day. Not only does a small hole appear, but dogs can dig dozens of dirt holes and splash the ground every time they dig.

So, the fact of dogs scratching the ground and digging in the ground is neither unusual nor dangerous, so let your dog move freely and don’t worry too much.

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