Science Ping

Is the universe we live in a black hole?

Space experts have come up with a staggering theory that the universe could be a black hole for any alien observing from space.

The researchers proposed that the universe is a black hole.

In the past, the universe had spent a period of time in darkness before stars or galaxies formed. Space scientists have suggested how, from ancient black holes, we might find explanations for unusual possibilities in the Universe.

Astrophysicists used Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on Hawaii’s giant 8.2m Subaru telescope to study primitive black holes. This large scale digital camera is capable of producing an extremely high definition image of the entire Andromeda galaxy in a matter of minutes. These images allow space professionals to capture images of a hundred million stars at a time.

The Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a giant digital camera mounted on the Subaru telescope.

Scientists envisioned many scenarios for their new theory. What interests them in particular is the period in which time rapidly expanded after the “Big Bang” event of the universe. This unimaginable event led to the creation of existence. Scientists believe that the explosion created the perfect environment for the formation of primitive black holes at different scales.

But another approach has been suggested and more controversial, to create primitive black holes may require “sub-universes” – small universes breaking away from the main universe. Researchers at the Kavli Institute for Cosmic Physics and Mathematics suggest that although such a small universe would eventually collapse on its own, its almost incalculable release of energy would lead to the formation of a black hole.

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The sub-universes may have branched off from the main universe after the Big Bang.

After his birth, Einstein’s theory of gravity showed that our Universe could be seen differently by aliens. People living in the galaxy can observe something expanding. However, people on the outside will see this small universe as a black hole.

This theory has led some to wonder if what is known to exist is likely to exist inside and outside a universe? Multiversal logic can also be understood that when primitive black holes appear before our eyes as black holes, their actual internal structural nature can give us great surprise. Black holes always exist a border with such force that even light cannot escape.

While such thoughts have always been considered counterintuitive, such ideas have been widely discussed on several occasions before, but another study published last year showed that what is called a black hole “the charge” can include in them infinitely repeated fractal universes that made us rethink. Theoretically, our universe could be stretched and warped in many directions.

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