Science Ping
Strange News

Vampire crabs are kept as pets

Thanks to its easily approached properties, although its appearance is a bit “killer”, the vampire crab is still loved as a pet in many families.

Possessing bright yellow eyes that elicit haunting feelings and frightening pointy pairs, vampire crabs are now increasingly indoors. According to experts, vampire crabs appeared in many family aquariums around 10 years ago, but so far scientists have determined their official name.

Vampire crabs include 2 species of Geosesarma Dennerle and Geosesarma Hagen, native to the rivers of Java Island, Indonesia. With a small body, only around 3cm and colorful, vampire crabs are often preferred indoors.

While Geosesarma Dennerle crab has a bright purple body color, Geosesarma Hagen crab has a bright orange shell and bright orange color, which stands out against the dark body.

Due to its easy-going, easy-going, sociable, seldom-fighting, and average lifespan of up to 3 years, the vampire crab has become one of the most popular pets in the home today. ‘hui. Each costs around 25 USD (~ 530,000 VND).

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