Science Ping

Top 6 foods to help you reduce cough and phlegm

Honey, ginger, mint leaves, and hot water are popular foods that have anti-inflammatory and phlegm-reducing properties, helping you effectively reduce coughs.

Mật ongMiel: Selon Webmd, 1 à 2 cuillères à café de miel peuvent réduire la sécrétion de sébum. Le miel agit également pour tuer les bactéries, les bactéries qui causent des maladies. Cependant, sachez que le miel peut également provoquer des intoxications rares chez les bébés. Par conséquent, vous ne devez pas donner de miel aux enfants de moins d’un an.

GừngGinger: Research shows that certain compounds in ginger root can provide relief from dry coughs or asthma thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also relieves nausea and sore throat. You can mix hot water with 20-40g of fresh ginger slices, add honey or lemon juice for flavor.

Nước ấmHot water: It is important to stay hydrated for people who have a cough or are cold. Drinking plenty of water, especially hot water, not only soothes a cough and keeps you hydrated, but also releases mucus in your throat.

Lá bạc hàPeppermint leaves: According to Medical News Today, the methol in peppermint has a calming effect on the throat and clears the nose, helping to break down mucus. You can drink peppermint tea or inhale mint vapor for inhalation. For a steam bath, you can add 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oil to about 148 ml of hot water. Then cover your head with a towel and inhale deeply directly above the steam.

Thyme: Used in cooking and medicine, thyme is a popular remedy for coughs, sore throats, bronchitis, and digestive problems. Natural thyme ivy syrup may be more effective in relieving cough attacks in people with acute bronchitis than a placebo.

Thực phẩm giàu probioticsFoods High in Probiotics: While they do not directly reduce coughing, probiotics help balance bacteria in the digestive tract. It helps support the function of the immune system. A healthy immune system can fight off the infection or allergen that causes the cough.

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