Science Ping

Top 20 foods rich in iron

Iron deficiency has a great effect on your health. And women are the group most susceptible to iron deficiency. Add iron to your body with the following foods:

Foods rich in iron

Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells, helping to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. And most women suffer from hemoglobin deficiency due to many reasons, such as fatigue, stress, poor diet, and especially menstrual blood loss.

As a result, they often feel tired and exhausted very quickly. Therefore, consuming iron is absolutely essential. You can get more iron by including iron-rich foods in your daily diet.

1. Walnuts

Top 10 thực phẩm giàu sắt

Nuts are rich in iron and other nutrients that are good for the body. (Photo: magforwomen).

Nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds, peanuts (peanuts), cashews … that we add to our daily diet will help enrich your meals and make them more delicious than . With 100 g of seeds provide approximately 3.7 mg of iron for the body.

2. Molluscs

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Shellfish like oysters, oysters, clams, scallops, scallops, snails … not only help you create exotic and attractive dishes, but also contain large amounts of iron. Please add to the daily diet to ensure adequate nutritional intake for the body.

3. Tofu

Có thể ướp gia vị cho đậu phụ thêm ngon

You can also marinate the drained tofu v

For vegetarians, tofu is also high in iron. Just half a cup of tofu, you can also provide around 1.82 mg of iron for the body.

4. Liver

Gan lợn xào hành tây

Liver can be fried, deep-fried, boiled, grilled, or eaten raw, making it a very rich source of iron for you. You should consume the best types of liver such as beef liver, foie gras, chicken liver, and pork liver.

5. Spinach (spinach)

Công dụng tuyệt vời của rau bina 2

This healthy green vegetable will definitely help you prevent iron deficiency in the body. You will provide your body with 2.7 mg of iron by eating only 100 g of spinach.

6. Egg yolks


Many people think that only the white part of an egg is healthy. However, in fact, 100g of egg yolk contains 2.7 mg of iron. So when using eggs in your kitchen, don’t remove the yolks.

7. Turkey

Top 10 thực phẩm giàu sắt

Turkey meat is white meat, it is also a good choice for people who want to lose weight and lower cholesterol. A serving of about 85 g of turkey meat contains about 1.1 mg of iron.

8. Cereals

Lợi ích của ngũ cốc không phải ai cũng biết

Why are grains said to create a complete and nutritious diet? Whole grains like barley and oats are great sources of iron. You can eat cereal in hot or cold form. Cold cereal gives you 1.8 mg to 21.1 mg of iron. However, when the grain was hot, the iron content decreased from 4.9 mg to 8.1 mg.

9. Pumpkin seeds

hat bi ngo, hat bi ngo la loai hat cua mua thu

Pumpkin seeds are full of nutritional factors in addition to iron content and they also contain calcium, zinc and magnesium which are the most important minerals for the body. You only need to consume a small amount of pumpkin seeds per day, they will help replenish nutrition, keep the body healthy both inside and outside the beauty.

10. Dark chocolate and cocoa powder

Bột ca cao có tác dụng gì? Các món ăn

Dark chocolate not only satisfies your taste buds, but your body’s iron needs as well. Cocoa powder too, you should use it as a delicious and nutritious dessert. They are known to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

11. Tomatoes

Cà chua giàu vitamin C, giúp cơ thể dễ dàng hấp thu các chất sắt.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which helps the body to absorb iron easily.

The tomato is an extremely familiar fruit in the daily dishes of every family. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which helps the body to absorb iron easily. In addition, tomatoes also contain lycopene and vitamin E, which are good ingredients for our hair and skin.

12. Red meat

thịt đỏ

Red meats like beef and lamb contain a lot of iron. These meats also contain a heme-iron complex, which helps the body easily absorb the iron it needs. In addition, red meats are also good sources of vitamin B12.

13. Beets

Ăn củ cải đường 1

Beets are known to be very effective in fighting anemia. This tuber contains a high content of iron, involved in the repair and activation of red blood cells. Once activated, red blood cells deliver more oxygen to the body along with oxygen. Adding beets to your daily diet is an effective way to prevent anemia.

14. Grenada

Quả lựu

Eating pomegranate helps the body to improve blood circulation in the body.

With an eye-catching red color and delicious taste, pomegranate is a fruit that is no stranger to our lives. This fruit is rich in iron and vitamin C. Consuming pomegranates helps the body to improve blood circulation in the body. In addition, it also helps to limit symptoms related to anemia such as dizziness, fatigue …

15. Honey

Mật ong rất tốt cho cơ thể

Honey helps build up iron in the blood because it contains an abundance of iron and manganese. These foods also help maintain the balance between red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Some of the foods you eat can interfere with your absorption of iron. Drinking coffee or tea with meals can reduce iron absorption by 50-60%. Phytates in some grains, beans, and phosphates in coca cola water can interfere with iron absorption. Calcium may also decrease the absorption of iron from meals, but the effects are only seen with higher calcium levels than with a diet rich in calcium.

16. Seafood

Hải sản

Salmon, tuna or oysters … are rich in iron.

Fish is also an essential food because it replenishes the amount of iron needed by the body. Some popular fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and other marine foods like oysters and oysters are high in iron. Pacific oysters are said to contain 7.2 mg of iron per 100 grams of oyster flesh.

17. Broccoli

Bông cải xanh

Broccoli is very nutritious and a good source of iron.

As a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, broccoli is also incredibly nutritious and a good source of iron. Plus, broccoli is also high in folic acid, vitamin K, and a high amount of fiber.

18. Potatoes

Khoai tây

In 100 g, potatoes contain up to 3.2 mg of iron.

Potatoes are an effective iron supplement for the body. In 100 g, potatoes contain up to 3.2 mg of iron. Potatoes should be used regularly on the menu with dishes such as steamed, stewed, boiled … Limit the use of fried potatoes because fried potatoes are the “culprits” which are harmful to health because they contain more saturated fat from the oil.

19. Dates dates

Quả chà là

Dates are excellent sources of iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. This fruit is also rich in fiber. The American Cancer Society recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day.

20. Chicken breast

Ức gà

Chicken breast is a lean meat protein that is a great source of iron. 100 grams of chicken breast contains 0.7 milligrams of iron. There are a number of ways you can grill the chicken to increase the hemoglobin level in the red blood cells.

Note when using blood toning foods

When using blood-healthy foods, we should keep the following issues in mind:

Provide vitamin C in parallel to more easily absorb iron in the body.
Do not use tea or coffee while eating because the phenols in tea and coffee prevent iron absorption.
Do not eat foods rich in iron at the same time as other foods rich in iron inhibitors (which reduce iron absorption) such as milk (calcium), grains (phytates), soybeans and spinach ( oxalate).
When the anemia is more severe, blood supplements should be supplemented and, of course, these drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.

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