Science Ping
Planet Earth

“The lonely giant” carries super magnetic fields

The planet named SIMP J01365663 + 0933473 is 12 times the size of the “giant” Jupiter, while roaming freely quite close to the earth.

One of the strangest planets has been described in detail in the study published by Arizona State University (USA).

Portrait of a “lone giant” scientist reconstructed from astronomical data – photo provided by the research team

He is a “solitary giant”, roaming freely in space which does not belong to any solar system, or which does not orbit any of the host stars. It is 12 times the size of Jupiter – already the largest planet in the solar system and almost 11 times the size of our Earth.

The large planet SIMP J01365663 + 0933473 also has a super magnetic field, about 200 times stronger than that of Jupiter. Meanwhile, Jupiter inherently has a magnetic field 14 times greater than Earth.

Scientist Melodie Kao, a member of the research team, told Sputnik that this object may not be quite a planet, but it is located on the border between a complete planet and a dwarf star. Brown.

SIMP J01365663 + 0933473 is estimated to have a surface temperature of up to 825 degrees C and is a young planet only about 200 million years old, which is only nearly two-thirds of modern human life on earth .

In 2016, the VLA – Very Large Array System – a system of 27 modern radio telescopes with a diameter of up to 25 meters each stretching from Mexico to the United States – discovered this strange planet. At that time, he was roaming our galaxy, about 20 light years from Earth.

Gã khổng lồ đơn độc mang siêu từ trường - Ảnh 2.

Researchers spent a lot of time collecting and analyzing astronomical data before presenting the main features of this giant and unique planet to the public.

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