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Animal Animal Rescues

The Biggest Snake In The World

It is a typical representative, a kind of giant snakes living in the Amazon basin, in South America. They are often referred to as South American python for short.

Trăn Anaconda xanh Nam Mỹ.

Of its species, only the Anaconda green python is the largest and heaviest in the world. Adults can be up to 9 meters long and weigh 250 kg. Their oversized size is only shorter in length than one species, the Asian spotted python.

South American green anaconda.

There have been historical reports described by European explorers who went to South America, they saw giant pythons up to 50 meters in length. South American pythons in general are also a species that terrorizes people because they are species … love to eat people.

Burmese python (scientific name Python bivittatus)

Điều thú vị là trăn Miến Điện cái luôn có kích thước lớn hơn trăn đực.

The Burmese python is one of the largest snakes in the world. This species is native to the great variability of the tropics and subtropics of South and Southeast Asia. Therefore, they can be found in areas near rivers and lakes or in deep forests.

An individual Burmese python has an average length of 3.7 meters, but in reality an individual measuring up to 5.74 meters in length – belongs to “Baby” – the name of a python found in Illinois (States United) 27 years ago.

Interestingly, female Burmese pythons are always larger than male pythons.

Python reticulatus (scientific name Python reticulatus)

Một con trăm gấm trưởng thành có thể đạt độ dài cơ thể thuộc hàng dài nhất họ nhà rắn.

Along with other names such as royal python, Asian reticulated python, the brocade python is a large python living in Southeast Asia and was first discovered in 1801.

The brocade python has a long, small head, pale yellow or brown, along the body is a dark gray stripe, forming a shape of a floating eye on a yellow-brown background. The spotted python can grow up to 6.95 meters in length and around 2 to 3.5 meters taller than the heaviest python species in the world, the Green Anaconda.

An adult clutch can grow to body lengths that are some of the longest in the snake family.

They spend most of the day sleeping in trees. As a species that can swim, even a good swimmer, the brocade python is recorded as having crossed the sea to live on small islands near the shore to live. At the start of the 20th century, they were even found in overcrowded places in Bangkok (Thailand) when they caught and ate a lot of cattle.

African rock python (scientific name P. natalensis)

Trăn đá châu Phi có thể được tìm thấy ở nhiều môi trường sống khác nhau, từ sa mạc cho tới khu vực gần nguồn nước.

Belongs to a large non-venomous snake from sub-Saharan Africa. This is considered the largest snake in Africa, adults can be over 6 meters long.

African rock pythons can be found in a variety of habitats, from deserts to areas near water sources.

In 1958 in The Gambia, according to a report by a scientist named Kroft, he said he had defeated a rock python with a body length of up to 7.5 meters, and when he performed a dissection abdominal, he was found dead. surprised to discover inside the stomach the body of a Nile crocodile over 1.5 meters long.

Indian python (scientific name Python molurus)

Trăn Ấn Độ khá hiền hòa, chúng thường ăn thịt loài gặm nhấm, một số loài chim và bò sát.

This species is found in abundance in the tropics and subtropics of South and Southeast Asia, with an average length of 3 meters. Two Indian pythons were recorded with a body length of almost 3.6 meters in Keoladeo National Park (Ghana) in 1990.

Indian pythons are quite peaceful, they often eat rodents, some birds and reptiles.

It was recorded that an Indian python, after eating its prey, fasted for up to 2 years. Currently, the Indian python faces a very high risk of extinction.

Purple jade snake (scientific name Morelia amethistina)

Rắn ngọc tía - loài rắn địa phương lớn nhất châu Úc.

This snake is commonly found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. A purple coloration is a recognizable feature of this species and it is currently Australia’s largest native snake.

A purple snake has a maximum length of 8.5 meters. The Guinness Book of World Records currently records the longest purple jade snake in the world, measuring 7.2 meters in 1954.

Purple Snake – Australia’s largest native snake.

Boa constrictor (Boa constrictor)

Rắn xiết mồi.

The name of this snake is probably enough to chill the listener. This large snake is a member of the South American python family, which is found in North, Central, South America, and some Caribbean islands. The typical size of a female snake is 2.1 meters to 3 meters and 1.8 meters to 2.4 meters for a male.

Their weight can reach more than 45 kg, which is the equivalent of the weight of an adult woman.

The snake catches the bait.

Golden anaconda python (scientific name Eunectes notaeus)

Chúng thường sống tại phía Nam Nam Mỹ, ưa thích môi trường sống dưới nước hoặc vùng đầm lầy.

The golden anaconda is endemic to South America. Like pythons, they are not poisonous and kill their prey by squeezing them.

This giant python is on average 3.3-4.4 meters long, body weight can reach 25-35 kg. There has been a golden anaconda python fish up to 4.6 meters in length.

They generally live in southern South America, preferring aquatic or swampy habitats.

Spotted black anaconda (scientific name eunectes deschauenseei)

Trăn Anaconda đen đốm

It is a large species of python, but little information is available as it is scarce and difficult to find. They are found in South America, northeast of Brazil.

They were first discovered when researcher Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee donated them to the Philadelphia (United States) collection in 1924.

Spotted black anaconda python

Papua Python (scientific name Apodora papuana)

Belonging to the large snake family, an adult Papuan can be over 5 meters in length, but its body is not too heavy, only around 22.5 kg. They are known for their ability to change body color when excited or during mating season. They are found in New Guinea and the Fegusson Island region.

Papua Pythons are generally nocturnal, feeding on small mammals or even other snakes. It sounds dangerous, but Papua Pythons are quite slow and harmless to humans.

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