Science Ping

The 7 main types of fruit eaten in the morning are “miracles” for dinner and are “poisonous”.

These 7 Vietnamese specialties are very healthy when eaten during the day, but they can be harmful when eaten at night.

Fruits should not be eaten at night
1. Durian

Not only is it a nutritious fruit, but durian is also considered to be a very effective remedy for coughs and skin diseases. However, do not eat too much durian as it will cause heat in the body which is easy to produce acute acne.

With high sugar content, people with high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hyperglycemia, bad heart and intestinal ulcers should limit the intake of durian at night as it is easy to experience complications. Therefore, you should eat less rice and then eat durian to avoid excessive energy absorption.

2. Lawyer

Quả bơ

The Guinness Book says avocado is the fruit with the most nutrients. For 100 g of ripe avocado meat there is 60 g of water, 2.08 g of protein, 20.10 g of fat, 7.4 g of carbohydrate, 1.26 g of ash, minerals: Ca 12 mg, P 26, Fe 0.6 mg, vitamin A 205 mg, B1 0.05 mg, C 20 mg, aminexides: cystine, tryptophan. In addition, avocado also has many antibacterial properties.

Avocado works to reduce cholesterol and fats in the blood, protect the cardiovascular system, blood vessels and liver, strengthen the stomach, cleanse the intestines … It is a very suitable fruit for feeding children and the people. one fruit per day. In addition, avocados have a very high content of vegetable fats, so they should not be eaten at night.

3. Mango

Quả xoài

An average mango contains 100 calories, 1 gram of protein, 0.5 gram of fat, 25 grams of carbohydrate, 23 grams of sugar, and 3g of fiber. This serving meets the body’s daily requirement for vitamin C, 35% vitamin A, 20% folate, 10% vitamin B6, 8% vitamin K and potassium.

Na also contains calcium, iron, copper, and some antioxidant chemicals. The antioxidant zethanthine in mango helps filter out harmful blue rays to the eyes, especially the risk of macular degeneration in the elderly.

In addition, certain nutrients such as beta-carotene in mangoes also help prevent asthma, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. Due to the high sugar index, don’t eat a lot of mangoes at night, especially for people with diabetes.

4. Mangosteen

Considered a very nutritious fruit, with vitamins such as B1, C, proteins, fats, fibers, calcium, phosphorus, iron … Mangosteen also contains natural Xanthones antibodies.

So add mangosteen to your dessert or daytime snack menu, but avoid this delicious fruit at night, as it can make sleep flaky. In addition, the xanthone contained in mangosteen can exert its effects and cause poisoning. Therefore, this fruit should only be eaten during the day.

5. Fruit na

Quả na

It is also a rich source of nutrients in cream apple, especially vitamin C. In addition, na also contains fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health.

This fruit is very useful for people on a diet or who want to lose weight because it does not contain saturated fat and cholesterol. Na is very sweet, high in sugar, so you have to be careful when eating in the evening.

6. Dragon fruit

Quả thanh long

Dragon fruit is a specialty fruit familiar to the Vietnamese people and is renowned for its high nutrient content. The rich nutrient content of the fruit offers many surprising health benefits. In dragon fruit, there are many micronutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B3, calcium, phosphorus, iron … Dragon fruit is considered an effective slimming fruit and is effective to prevent constipation.

Dragon fruit is a fruit high in sugar that should not be eaten at night. People with intestinal upset, diarrhea, and diabetes should especially stay away from this fruit after dinner.

7. Pineapple

Quả dứa

Pineapple contains an organic substance, glycoside and protein, which can cause headaches after overeating in the evening. In addition, you may also experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, tingling in the limbs, tongue …

So, don’t eat pineapple before bed to better protect your nervous system while you sleep.

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