Science Ping

Surprised by the “left side” of cute animals

Let’s go in search of the “bad character” hidden in cuteness with the big round eyes and the completely harmless looks of the animals.

We often associate “animal” behaviors such as inbreeding, cannibalism … with animals that appear fierce, wild and frightening.

However, not many people expect even extremely cute animals with big round eyes and completely harmless looks to have their own ‘dark side’.

Let’s take a look at some “crazy names” with adorable seashells in the animal kingdom.

1. Meerkat knows how to torture his fellows

Meerkat – The African weasel is famous for its small, big round eyes like cats and cute standing on two legs.

The image of the meerkat mink is also depicted on screen – the character of Timon in “Lion King” is one example.

However, expert observations have shown that this animal is not as sweet as it looks. After a 15-year study of 40 different groups of meerkats, scientists concluded that the weasel is a “landowner” specializing in slave control.

Living in herds of 20 to 30 individuals, Meerkat was managed by an alpha pair – the only pair with the right to breed. It is noteworthy that when another beta pair appears in a herd that mates and has offspring, the Meerkat alpha individuals reveal their true nature.

As a result, they will “destroy” all children born to the beta couple. Not stopping there, these meerkats will force the daughter of the beta pair to choose: either leave the herd forever and hunt alone, or become slaves to others.

Due to her inability to exist independently in nature, the beta girl would be forced to become a slave to the dominant offspring and take care of them.

These beta daughters will become “milk bottles” for the whole herd and will have to care for the newborn Meerkat until deathly exhaustion.

2. Nazca Booby specializes in child abuse

A species of bird in the Sulidae family, Nazce Booby lives primarily on the Galapagos Islands and Clipperton Island in the eastern Pacific. However, the completely normal appearance cannot hide the barbaric angry behavior of this bird.

A 25-year study followed the lives of “single” individuals from Nazca. For some reason, Nazca hadn’t been married in her whole life.
They will become aggressive and specialize in mistreating other birds. They hunt down Nazcas young or old, then find opportunities to attack their own species by pecking, scratching, and biting anyone weaker than themselves.
And what’s even worse is that young Nazca people who are bullied growing up will mistreat others. Researchers discovered this cyclical behavior by tagging abused offspring and watching them mature. The cycle of violence continued, becoming the dark side of this bird.

3. Peanut worms attack their own offspring

Ginseng individuals may have a “lousy” childhood, but when they grow up they are like “the swan duck”, with undeniable beauty in the bird world. However, in terms of families, they are notoriously bad parents.

The problem with these birds is that they have a lot of babies when they don’t have the strength to support them all. At each lay, about 9-10 young will separate the emerging eggs.

With 10 begging mouths, ginseng parents couldn’t handle it on time. After a while, they become irritable and attack their own offspring.

The ginseng mother will use the beak to attack the children so that they do not scream. Gradually, he focused only on the weakest. The mother bites, pecks the child until he can no longer cry, then officially removes him from the herd, slowly leaving him to starve.

This process takes place not only once, but several times. The peanut worm will gradually eliminate each child until the number of ginseng holding the baby stops at the “rising” level – that is, 2-3.

4. Emperor penguins kidnap the young

The penguin is famous for its fluffy feathers and cute walking. Their adorable goofy looks fill the hearts of millions of people. Yet few people can imagine that these adorable animals turn into “kidnappers”.

The Emperor Penguin is the largest and heaviest of all Antarctic endemic parent birds. The act of “kidnapping children” begins when the mother of the emperor penguins comes home to feed and finds that her baby is missing or dead.

Instead of being miserable and trying to start over, they will go … kidnap other people’s baby penguins in an attempt to bring back their own children.

However, this idea did not last long because after kidnapping the child, they quickly get bored within a day or even after a few hours.

The kidnapper at this time will leave the child alone in the frozen sky. Child penguins eventually die of cold, starvation, or become prey to seals.


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