Science Ping
Animal Dog Other Pets

Stunned passers-by riding

The dog stood astride a village road in a surprisingly busy British suburb.

The dog has white brown fur that holds itself firmly to the horse’s body. The brown horse trotted on a village road on the outskirts of Exeter in County Devon on December 1, according to Mogaznews.

Richard Ward, 20, was driving down the street with his colleague Dean Brown when he saw the above scene. The two of you must have slowed down because a herd of horses was blocking the way.

They saw a woman wearing an eye patch mounted on a leading horse. Richard was amazed when he crossed a horse and saw the dog standing on horseback.

“It was quite normal for the dog to stand still on the horse, looking around as if he were riding a horse,” said Ward. “I’ve never seen a dog ride a horse, so I had to take it out and break it. The horse always runs like it’s carrying people on its back.”

“I’ve never seen this scene, I can’t believe it. Dean and I kept laughing, ”Ward recalls.

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