Science Ping
Planet Earth Space

Signals emitted by the dead planet reveal the future of Earth: all the atmosphere and the thick crust will be removed, revealing a metallic core floating in the universe

The Earth must eventually follow the cycle of Nature: the Sun dies, the Earth will soon follow.

When a planet dies, it emits distinct signals. This is also correct, because such a huge decaying mass of matter will certainly have to leave some traces. Studying these ghost signals will reveal the secret that shakes the world: how the Earth will die.

The new research, led by Professor Dimitry Veras of the University of Warwick, focuses on analyzing signals from dead planets. Veras and his team of scientists explain that as a star ages, it gets brighter and hotter several times. At the end of its life, the star will give off a tremendous amount of heat, burning all the planets in its orbit. Eventually, a star will turn into a white dwarf.

Tín hiệu phát ra từ hành tinh đã chết cho thấy tương lai của Trái Đất: Toàn bộ khí quyển và lớp vỏ dày sẽ bị lột sạch, để lộ lõi kim loại bay lơ lửng trong Vũ trụ - Ảnh 1.

Sirius A is the bright central star, and the bright dot in the lower corner is the white dwarf Sirius B, one of the largest dwarf stars ever discovered.

The enormous heat emitted by a dying star will scorch the surrounding planets, leaving only a metallic core. The magnetic field between the white dwarf and the metal core will form an electric current which generates radio waves. The terrestrial telescope system can pick up these waves, and according to Professor Veras, the above radio waves could be the source of some historical discoveries.

“Until now, no one has used magnetic field signals to detect the metal core of a large planet, to detect a large planet or a planet orbiting a white dwarf,” Veras said.

“So with just one new discovery, we can get three discoveries that are ‘the first in history’.

Many scientists believe that the Earth, like all other planets, will go through stages of death similar to those of the Sun. The temperature of the Earth will gradually increase over time, the atmosphere will not be able to continue to support life. The large amount of heat will break away from each layer of the Earth, revealing a metallic core floating in space.

“A new discovery will tell us more about the history of a star system, because for a planet to be inert even with a metallic core, the geological layers and the atmosphere around it would have to disappear into nothingness, then the metal core flies straight towards the white dwarf, ”explains Professor Veras.

“The nuclei of other planets can tell us about the future of the Earth and the future stages of the Sun’s evolution.”

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