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Presence of extremely rare lion hybrids in Russia

An extremely rare lion-tiger hybrid creature was born in a zoo in southern Russia and was named Tsar. This creature has beige fur like a lion’s father and has many black stripes on the mother like a tiger.

A very rare liger (a combination of “lion – lion” and “tiger – tiger)” was born in a zoo in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, in southern Russia, 2 months ago.

According to the director of the zoo – Mr. Erok Airapetyan, this “liger” named Tsar, is the son of a tiger named Princess and a male lion named Caesar. Tsar has a beige coat resembling a lion and has many black stripes on his body like the mother of a tiger. Currently, Tsar is fed the milk of a goat in the zoo.

“The princess and Caeser have been together for a long time and know each other very well. So when the princess’s tigers are in breeding season, he chooses the male lion Caesar,” says Erik.

The “ligers” when adults can weigh over 400 kg and is one of the largest feline species in the world.

A “liger” named Hercules in the United States currently holds the record for “tallest cat in the world” with a weight of 418 kg and a body length of up to 3.33 m.

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