Science Ping

Notes when preparing food from potatoes

You shouldn’t cook the potatoes if you notice they are spoiled. Broken potatoes contain the neurotoxin solanine.

1. The potatoes are wilted

You usually buy large quantities of potatoes for long term use, however, it should be noted that potatoes left too long can become toxic to the body. The potatoes are aged, the skin will be wrinkled and soft. Additionally, long-term exposure to the sun can accelerate the production of harmful solanine.

2. Sprouted potatoes

People often wonder whether to use or throw away sprouted potatoes. Potato sprouts are high in solanine and chaconine, two types of toxic glycoalkaloids that can damage the nervous system. Germination occurs faster when the potato is inorganic and not chemically treated. Currently, there are two cases of potato sprouting: one when the potato is still fresh and the other when the potato is wilted and tender.

If fresh potatoes sprout, you can easily cut off the shoot, and the tubers can retain most of the nutritional value. On the contrary, if the potatoes are wilted, it is better to throw them away.

3. Greenish potatoes

Greenish potatoes are those that are exposed to light, leading to increased concentrations of solanine. However, you can enjoy greenish potatoes by peeling the discolored potatoes and processing the rest.

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