Science Ping
Planet Earth

New Research Says Before Humans There Was Another Advanced Civilization

Look no further outside the Grand Universe, perhaps an advanced species other than humans existed here before us.

So far, we are still the smartest species, with the most evolved brain in the Universe. And for a long time we’ve been looking for a similar species in the Grand Universe.

Nghiên cứu mới nói rằng trước con người, đã tồn tại một nền văn minh tiên tiến khác nữa - Ảnh 1.

We have a series of projects for this purpose: the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) uses radio waves to scan this whole universe, we are discovering water on the planet. Another search for traces of life, we find thousands of extrasolar planets that could be where life has flourished.

I want to answer the question of whether humans are alone in this universe.

But have we still found the right place in the right place? This Earth is the only planet with 100% certainty that life can exist, we can find traces of an evolutionary civilization in the 4.5 billion years of Earth’s development. right? This world we live in is likely to have created more than one civilization.

Nghiên cứu mới nói rằng trước con người, đã tồn tại một nền văn minh tiên tiến khác nữa - Ảnh 2.

This is not a fictional story. There was the work of astronomer Jason Wright, that humans are not the only species building a modern and advanced civilization in this solar system.

“We haven’t really explored that far yet,” climatologist Gavin Schmidt, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Research at NASA, told Motherboard. “It never even became a potential research topic.”

To clarify the problem, Schmidt collaborated with physicist Adam Frank, to work together “to find another advanced civilization in the history of the geology of the Earth.” They want to know that on this Earth, if there is another “human”.

This research recently published in the International Journal of Cosmic Biology shows what traces of a civilization may have existed in the past. Schmidt and Frank used traces of the Anthropocene, perhaps called the Anthropocene, the current era in which human activity affected the planet, causing changes in aspects such as climate or biodiversity.

With the Chronicle of the South, we can find other similar traces in the history of the Earth, thus finding traces of another modern civilization.

“There are a lot of good things going on with human civilization, but to get there, the ecosystem and the species have come at a huge cost,” said researcher Schmidt. He pointed out that many of the consequences fall under the “out of sight” category due to its convenience, including sewerage or discharge. For this reason, the human era has left many traces in the geological history of this planet.

“All waste is hidden from the eyes of humanity, but has never disappeared from the history of the Earth”.

Nghiên cứu mới nói rằng trước con người, đã tồn tại một nền văn minh tiên tiến khác nữa - Ảnh 4.

Researchers Schmidt and Frank propose to focus on finding hard-to-find signals, such as byproducts of fossil fuel use and major extinction events. Even there are traces of plastic that were once used by the civilization (s) before us, synthetic materials, traces of high level agriculture, deforestation for economic development, or You can find radioactive traces of nuclear or nuclear war transmitters.

“You’re going to have to really study a ton of different areas and put together what you want to find,” says Schmidt. “It covers chemistry, sedimentology, geology and many other disciplines. It’s very interesting.”

Nghiên cứu mới nói rằng trước con người, đã tồn tại một nền văn minh tiên tiến khác nữa - Ảnh 5.

In his spare time, Schmidt wrote a short story called Under the Sun – Under the Sun, featuring some of the research he was doing. In this one, there is an idea raised like this:

“Maybe the time that a civilization left its mark is much shorter than the total lifespan of that civilization, because a civilization cannot last too long while still doing things like we are doing here. “

«Soit ils s’arrêtent, soit vous ruinez les choses, soit vous n’allez pas plus loin. De toute façon, les activités qui peuvent laisser une trace échoueront toutes dans un laps de temps très court. “.

Il peut y avoir des milliards de ces traces partout dans cet univers, mais elles sont de moins en plus dispersées, donc nous ne les voyons jamais.

Et cette logique est vraie pour la Terre elle-même et notre civilisation aussi. Si nous trouvons des traces de civilisation avant les humains, ce sera peut-être une leçon précieuse pour nous-mêmes: il est possible que les actes destructeurs de l’environnement aient anéanti la civilisation précédente, et l’humanité s’est à nouveau développée à partir de zéro, nous sommes donc ce que nous sommes aujourd’hui.

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