Science Ping
Animal Animal Rescues

Incredible miracle in the bottom waters of the west coast of the United States

After two decades of restrictions, fishermen from the lower stratum of the west coast of the United States have returned to create a sustainable fishing industry after authorities closed fishing grounds in the Pacific to prevent the fish from being exterminated. These fishermen use bottom trawls to catch marine perch, Bocaccio fighting fish, halibut and all species of groundfish.

This ban has left fishermen in difficulty. However, on January 1, 2020, regulators will allow the resumption of bottom fishing in an area three times the size of Rhode Island off the coasts of Oregon and California, with the consent of lobbying groups. environment. The fishermen and this group are working together on a long-term plan to revive the groundfish industry while protecting the coral reefs that are home to overexploited species.

Basal fish is the term used to refer to dozens of species of fish that live on the bottom or bottom of the sea. Fishing boats often pull heavy nets to catch as many fish as possible. However, this can damage the habitat of groundfish.

Since 1976, the federal government has subsidized the construction of fishing boats to exploit American resources on the West Coast. By the 1980s the vessels involved in bottom fishing had increased rapidly. Unlike crabs and trout, groundfish can be harvested year round, making port operations easier. However, in the late 1990s, scientists began to sound the alarm bells about declining fish stocks.

In 2011, bottom trawlers were given a quota for the number of fish they could catch. If they exceed that number, they have to buy quotas from other fishermen. On each sea voyage, the vessel will need to carry people to monitor these numbers of fish.

After years of prohibitions, studies have shown that groundfish recovery was 50 years faster than expected and accidental fishing of prohibited fish was reduced by 80%.

Although the ban has been lifted, the bottom fishing industry is facing new challenges. The demand for groundfish is only half of the fish catch because groundfish have not appeared in the store for a long time, but rather are exotic farmed species such as tilapia.

A groundfish trade association is trying to change that by attending festivals and food shows to educate chefs and seafood buyers about the industry’s recovery. this industry.

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