Science Ping

In fact, soy affects reproductive health

However, if this is true, 35% of Americans will not consume soy foods or drinks at least once a week. Consumer Review Report recorded by the US Soybean Council in 2019.

Today, it is extremely difficult for Americans to eliminate soy from their regular diet. Because it comes in everything from processed meat, margarine, chocolate, and cereals to soy milk. About 98% of soy consumption in the United States is for animal feed, a small portion that can be used as a substitute for meat products. Should soy be eliminated from my diet? Let’s find out about the latest research!

Is soy consumption harmful to your health?

Soy is one of the top five food crops in the United States, biotechnology focuses on soybean crops. Studies have found that a diet high in soy lowers cholesterol and improves kidney function. Based on this data, the US Department of Health and Human Services said soy protein may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Protein trong đậu nành có thể làm giảm nguy cơ mắc các bệnh tim mạch.

Soy protein can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, by 2017, further studies from the Center for Applied Food Safety and Nutrition contradict the above findings. They proposed to eliminate the positive factors associated with soy consumption. But in January 2019, a new summary of the research process confirmed it: Soy consumption lowers cholesterol by about 3-4% in adults.

Although extremely confusing and confusing, but exactly, soy does not affect heart health. Not only that, it is also believed to be a cancer risk agent, impairing hormones and human development.

So why do some people say soy can be harmful? Over the decades, animal studies show that soy has negative effects on certain species. Researchers suggest that certain soy proteins are known to cause allergies in humans and animals.

However, scientists will use the dosage or type of compound when experimenting with animals. It should also be noted that humans and animals process food differently.

Can Eating Soy Cause Cancer?

The compounds in soy called lignans and isoflavones are quite similar to estrogen, a sex hormone produced by the human body. In theory, estrogen-like compounds in soybeans could stimulate cancers such as breast cancer.

However, researchers indicate that lignans and isoflavones replicate sex hormones to fight cancer. These compounds can even help suppress the growth of cancer cells.

The American Cancer Society advises consumers that consuming soy foods offers more benefits than potential risks. Eating these foods can even lower your risk of breast cancer.

People who already have breast cancer or are sensitive to estrogen do not need to follow a soy diet either. More research is needed to determine the benefits and risks of soy consumption, and is spoilage in soy carcinogenic?

Does Soy Consumption Affect Your Hormones?

Soy stimulates the production of the female hormone estrogen, but is a weakly active plant estrogen that does not alter male physiology.

Tác dụng của đậu nành còn tùy thuộc lượng đậu nành bạn dùng cũng như loại đậu nành được tiêu thụ.

The effect of soy depends on the amount of soy you use as well as the type of soy you eat.

Research shows that consuming soy products can decrease FSH and LH hormones in premenopausal people, two hormones that directly affect fertility. It can increase estrogen levels in people who have gone through menopause, alleviating symptoms of menopause.

The effect of soy depends on the amount of soy you use as well as the type of soy you eat. Also, there is very little evidence that soy affects semen quality or testosterone.

Dr Ha Ngoc Manh, Namology and Rarity Hospital of Vietnam – Belgium, said there was a lot of controversy over soybeans causing a reduction in male physiology. According to scientific research, soy contains a large amount of the active ingredient isoflavone, which is similar in structure to the female hormone estrogen, many people believe that regular use of soy can cause depression. Decreased male physiology, easily leading to infertility.

“This is a misconception,” the doctor said. In essence, isoflavones are not estrogen. Many scientists around the world analyzed the results, confirming that soy and foods that provide isoflavones do not affect testosterone levels in men, affect ejaculate amount, density and sperm count. . coincide.

“Soy easily stimulates the production of the female hormone estrogen, but in fact it is only a plant estrogen with much lower activity than animal hormones. Therefore, eating a lot of soy will not affect bad for male physiology, ”the doctor said.

Animal studies show that there can be hormonal and reproductive changes in male rats when they eat soy throughout their lives. Further research into the effects of soy on humans could help understand the effects of soy on hormones of all sexes.

Is soy harmful to babies?

The American Academy of Pediatrics states that infant formulas contain soy protein and are safe for full term babies. There are still too few long-term studies of adults who ate soy milk as children, so there may be risks or benefits that are not fully explored.

A study of women who ate soy milk as children showed that this group of women had longer and more painful menstrual cycles than those who were fed cow’s milk.

Another study of soy-fed infants found that: slight differences in uterine size at 36 weeks compared to those fed cow’s milk were at risk for estrogen exposure. While studies may point to some special effects of soy, there is no fear that soy will affect a child’s development.

Đậu nành ngày càng trở thành thức ăn không thể không có trong chế độ ăn uống của người Mỹ.
Soy is increasingly becoming an essential food in the American diet.

Should we eat soybeans?

Soy is increasingly becoming a staple in the American diet, especially when you eat processed foods. It is used in infant formula, flour, vegetarian cheese, tofu, and many other meats. It is often used as an additive in meat products. Every year, global soybean consumption is steadily increasing, consumption has increased by 5-6% / year over the past 15 years.

Scientific studies on soybeans are not entirely accurate. In fact, it often causes contradictions and disagreements. Further studies are needed to clarify the positive and negative effects associated with the use of soy. Ultimately, when you overeat and keep consuming more soy, even though it has nutritional value, it can still have negative effects.

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