Hanoi continues the damaging cold days. If you walk around the park at this time, you can easily see the fashion “parade”, all kinds of costumes, the dog of which is no different from professional bosses.

The National Meteorological and Hydrological Prediction Center, on December 18, intensified cold air caused the northern and north-central provinces to continue to be extremely cold, with the lowest temperature of 10-13. In Hanoi, the temperature varies from 10 to 12 hours and is covered in cold. The “sen” when on the road does not forget to equip the warm “boss” clothes. In the photo a black life jacket with a red edge is “on trend”, both in style with the dog and looking so hot!

Fat Corgi transforms into a cartoon character, wearing a signature ensemble, a yellow shirt with a hat and jeans

Two small poodle dogs are carried by the owner in a dark reindeer coat and sweater. According to the share, each costume costs 100,000 VND. In recent days, pet shops have been constantly bustling when clothing items “explode”. According to research, popular products are sewn from floats, cotton, felt to ensure warmth. On average, the price varies from 20,000 to 100,000 VND. Luxury items can cost over 200,000 VND

A small shock absorber “put” a light gray hat on his felt hat. Minh Ngoc, 20, said the “boss” costume is priced at VND 95,000. She bought two different sets, with a reduction of 10,000 VND. “It’s cold, the dog should also wear warm clothes. In addition, I also buy more socks and life jackets for him,” Ngoc said.

Cexercice d’après-midi “boss” maléfique, concours pour voir qui court le plus vite! Chaque “vous” chaque type de costume avec différentes couleurs et tailles

The little phoenix looks “pitiful” with the “bang” attitude. Sen did not hesitate to use the excess fabric in the house to design 2 patterns with 2 special outfits