Science Ping
Strange News

Goldfish are ‘wheelchairs’ because of rare disease

Goldfish with bladder disorders cannot move normally, so they need support not to sink to the bottom of the tank and die.

This smart tool was designed by Henry Kim – a fashion designer and water enthusiast. After discovering that some of his goldfish had bladder dysfunction that prevented them from moving normally in the water and had to swim upside down or sink to the bottom of the tank and die, he discovered a device. help them move around normally underwater.

Henry consulted Google and worked on the manufacture of the device. The tool consists of three small tubes to stabilize the goldfish in an upright position, the inside contains foam as a medium floating support for the fish to move freely.

This device, which he called a “wheelchair”, allows fish to move around normally without fear of turning over and dying. “This disease usually occurs in goldfish imported from Thailand and China. When goldfish are infected with this disease, they can only live for 1 to 2 months.” However, thanks to a wheelchair, goldfish can live at least 5 months.

Bladder disorders in goldfish often occur due to dirty water environment or overfeeding. The bladder swells if they swallow too much air, which then spills, has difficulty breathing and dies.

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