Science Ping

Found an old piece depicting a portrait of King Henry III

The coin depicting the British King Henry III has been minted since around 1257.

Admire the 800-year-old coin which costs 17 billion dong.

Mặt sau của đồng tiền xu 800 năm tuổi.Back of the 800 year old coin.

Currently, it is estimated that there are only about 7 such coins in the world, as most of the other coins around this time were melted by the expensive gold material.

Later, people also rarely used gold to mint the coins in circulation in the market.

The auction held in Dallas, Texas, USA witnessed the fever of this nearly 800-year-old coin.

The final price paid for the coin is 720,000 USD (more than 16.6 billion VND).

The newly auctioned piece has been in a private collection for 25 years.

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