Science Ping

Eat These Young and Beautiful Foods and Effectively Prevent Cancer

To fight cancer and young beauty, eat the following nuts
The risk of cancer is increasing today. To fight cancer and beautiful children, eat the following nuts, in which some of the following nuts are not only delicious, but also have good anti-cancer properties.

Nuts are often a snack that many girls love for their delicious taste. Many people still believe that these nuts are a snack, a “snack” in their leisure and leisure time, but few people know that they have cancer-fighting properties and many good health uses. , your skin.

Nuts for snacks are delicious and appealing
Let’s explore the tiny seeds that have such great power!

Sun-flower seeds

It is a seed very familiar to Vietnamese, often sipped in discussions alongside a cup of coffee or tea. Many people don’t like to eat a lot of sunflower seeds because they think eating them a lot makes you cough. But since these are sunflowers that are not cleaned in their shells, dusty and you separate them too much with your teeth. If you use your hands, buy clean, quality sunflowers that won’t perform.

Eat nourishing seeds that help fight aging and beautify your hair
Did you know that eating these nuts every day increases serotonin levels, which helps lower bad cholesterol and other signs of stress. Sunflower seeds also contain a certain amount of fat, vitamin E, to help prevent signs of aging and beautify hair. Choose to buy them in guaranteed places and of clear origin to avoid harming your body.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, also known as pumpkin seeds, are extracted from old squash and dried so that when eaten they no longer have a pungent smell, aroma, fat and fat. In fact, the pumpkin seeds in pumpkins are ready to eat with no problem. Hence, you can enjoy pumpkin seeds after each preparation of pumpkin dishes for the safety and savings for your family.

To fight cancer and young beauty, eat the following nuts
Pumpkin seeds benefit the heart and treat osteoporosis
Many studies show that regular consumption of pumpkin seeds will increase the protein nutrients in your body. It is also a very beneficial food for heart health, to treat osteoporosis, eliminate insomnia and prevent signs of premature aging.

Many people love chestnuts, especially on winter days to eat fragrant roasted chestnuts. It is also a source of food that helps the body boost antioxidants and lower your body’s risk of cancer.

Chestnuts lower your risk of cancer
Eating chestnuts regularly throughout the month also helps prevent heart disease. These seeds are much more expensive than other seeds, so you can buy them in small quantities to eat.


Cashews also bring a fragrant taste to pleasure. Cashews are widely cultivated in the central and south-eastern highland provinces. It is one of the specialties of our country’s agriculture.

Cashews reduce diabetes for everyone
Eating cashews every day helps prevent the development of diabetes or gallstones. This seed is rich in proanthocyanidins – an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer cells. They also work to improve heart health and regulate blood pressure.

Pomegranate seeds

Many people eat pomegranates without the seeds. It’s completely unnecessary. You will be amazed at the benefits of this nut.

Pomegranate seeds reduce the growth of carcinogenic cells
Pomegranate seeds contain a high amount of polyphenols and flavonoids that help fight the development of free radicals – the cause of wrinkles and dark spots that appear early on the face. Moreover, this nut also reduces the risk of cancer cell growth.


Choose to buy these nuts from reputable places with clear product origins to avoid using low-quality products.

Do not choose nuts that show signs of mold, a strange smell, or signs of staining.

If you want to snack, choose these nuts for your health, appetite, and beauty.

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