Science Ping

Discovery of green, fat and born from the dead “cosmic zombies”

A new type of star born from the collision of 2 white dwarfs shocked astronomers when it fully shows the nature of a zombie like in the movie.

According to a publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, research on the strange green glowing star J005311 477 has shown it to be a real zombie. The star was born from two decomposed white dwarfs in orbit.

The white dwarf is essentially a zombie: it is the remnants of a star that runs out of energy, after a period of time developing into a red giant that collapses into small objects the size of Earth, d ‘brilliant white and of enormous energy.

Citing the study, Science Alert explains: Usually, after a while, they ‘die’ a second time exploding into a supernova, then collapsing into smaller, more powerful neutron stars. A third death can turn it into a black hole.

However, in the case of this “cosmic zombie”, the 2 white dwarfs unfortunately have their orbits disintegrated, get lost and then crash into each other. This super-energetic death forms a very luminous and unstable body, like a twisted sphere, slimy and oily like the skin of the zombies in the movies.

According to the team led by Dr Lidia M. Oskinova from the Institute of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Potsdam (Germany), the discovery comes from an unstable source of x-rays they captured in 2019 the result shows that it is very similar to the signal of a white dwarf, but is abnormally brighter. Using a state-of-the-art X-ray telescope called XMM-Newton to photograph the object, they discovered the shocking object mentioned above.

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