Science Ping

Detection of “living material” on a foreign body emitting violet aurorae

A study recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society confirmed that phosphorus and fluorine were found in solid particles obtained from the halo coma (a translucent shell around the comet) by 67P / Churymov / Gerasimeko, or Also known as Comet Rosetta / Duck Shaped Comet.

Even though phosphorus and fluorine are two very common elements on Earth. But the fact that it appears on an alien object is extremely special, as these are two of the “seeds of life”. Previous studies have shown that several elements, including these two, were brought to primitive Earth by comets and asteroids. These things were the so-called “building blocks of life,” which through complex reactions evolved into primitive single-celled life, which then evolved into today’s diverse world of plants and plants. animals. .

These “living materials” are collectively referred to by the authors as “CHNOPS”. The Sci-News newspaper quoted Dr. Harry Lehto of the Department of Astrophysics at the University of Turku as lead author of the study: “In which, phosphorus is found in the gas phase of the comet in three forms: raw phosphorus. element, phosphorus monoxide and carbon monofluoride “.

According to Dr. Lehto, the presence of the element CHNOPS necessary for life on the comet suggests that it could be a potential object that once “sowed” life on young Earth. Indeed, this mysterious duck-shaped object has been identified as coming from the disk of protoplanets of the young Sun, which is older than Earth.

The above study again provides a valuable puzzle piece to mankind’s eternal question: “Where are we from?” In which, the hypothesis of the extraterrestrial origin of all species gradually strengthens.

A few months ago, the ESA (European Space Agency) spacecraft identified the bizarre Northern Lights surrounding this duck-shaped object, showing how it interacts with particles in the solar wind.

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