Science Ping

Cuộc đời và sự nghiệp của diễn viên kiêm nhà toán học Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr is an Austro-American actress, movie star and mathematician, and she is also the inventor of the primitive spread spectrum and frequency hopping communication techniques essential for preexisting wireless communication. the computer age until today is also called radio waves.

Hedy Lamarr’s biography is based on wikipedia

Lamarr’s birth name is Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler was born in 1914 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary.

The only daughter of Mrs. Gertrud “Trude” Kiesler and Mr. Emil Kiesler.
Her mother was a high-class bourgeois Jewish pianist from Budapest. According to Stephen Michael Shearer, a biographer of Lamarr, confirmed that his mother had converted from Judaism to Catholicism and was a novice Christian.

Lamarr’s father was a non-religious Jewish banker born in Lemberg.

Marriage and relationships

Lamarr has been married six times and has three children, one of whom is adopted:

Friedrich Mandl (married from 1933 to 1937), president of Hirtenberger Patronen-Fabrik.
Gene Markey (married 1939–1941), screenwriter and producer.
Children: James Lamarr Markey (born January 9, 1939), adopted June 12, 1939, after being adopted by John Loder; The child was later known as James Lamarr Loder.
The couple lived at home number 2727 Benedict Street in Los Angeles, California, during their marriage.
John Loder (married 1943-1947), actor.
Daughter: Denise Loder (born January 19, 1945), married Larry Colton, writer and former baseball player.
Son: Anthony Loder (born February 1, 1947) is married to Roxanne and works for illustrator James McMullan. Anthony Loder was featured in the 2004 documentary series Calling Hedy Lamarr.
Teddy Stauffer (married 1951-1952), owner of nightclub, restaurant, former conductor
W. Howard Lee (married 1953-1960); a Texas oil specialist (later married to actress Gene Tierney).
Lewis J. Boies (married 1963-1965); Lamarr’s divorce lawyer.
Lamarr died in Casselberry, Florida on January 19, 2000, at the age of 85.

Diễn viên Hedy Lamarr

In August 1942, Hedy Lamarr patented a confidential information system for anti-interference with torpedoes.

Hedy Lamarr lifetime patent

In the early 1940s, she met the composer and pianist George Antheil, a pioneer in the field of musical mechanization and the automatic synchronization of instruments. The couple considered applying the principles of the pianola to a secret information system that would help prevent interference with radio-controlled torpedoes.

The constant frequency variation was the key to Hedy’s invention, sketching his idea on the back of a towel. In other words, radio signals always change frequency, making them impossible to intercept.

In August 1942, Lamarr and composer George Antheil patented this secret information system.

According to Stepehn Michael Shearer, Lamarr biographer and author of Beautiful: The Life of Hedy Lamarr, there are two reasons the system is not used immediately.

First, at that time the government did not understand or was not the right time for the idea of ​​a wireless communication system. The second reason may be due to the unusual backgrounds of the inventors. “Hedy was 20 years ahead of his time,” said son Anthony Loder. He added that his mother had no intention of making any money from the invention. She handed it over to the US Navy.

Lamarr và nhà soạn nhạc George Antheil được cấp bằng sáng chế cho hệ thống thông tin bí mật

Le brevet ayant expiré avant d’être utilisé, Hedy n’a jamais profité de son idée.

Ce n’est que 20 ans plus tard, lorsque la crise des missiles à Cuba s’est produite, que son invention a été appliquée à des fins militaires et civiles. Dans les années 1960, ce brevet a été utilisé pour développer des systèmes de communication sans fil militaires pour contrôler les fusées.

Aujourd’hui, c’est une technologie largement répandue dans les systèmes de téléphonie mobile, l’encodage satellite… et d’autres réalisations.

Le brevet ayant expiré avant d’être utilisé, Hedy n’a jamais profité de son idée. Mais au final, son talent a été reconnu. Hedy est décédé le 19 janvier 2000 et on se souvient de sa beauté et de son intellect.

À l’occasion de son anniversaire, commémorons ses grandes contributions à la postérité. Espérons que Hedy Lamarr au paradis connaîtra également ces suggestions à son sujet que Google a données.

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