Xiongnu, Asia’s first nomadic empire, leaves no known documents to explain their origins, making it a fascinating ancient genetic mystery. New study sheds light on...
Many kings and aristocrats are famous throughout history for their brutality and spooky hobbies like bloodbathing, picketing stakes, or hanging their heads on saddles. According...
On November 10, 1970, the Soviet Union’s Luna 17 spacecraft brought a Lunokhod-1 self-propelled vehicle to the lunar surface. 11 months later, under the control...
The first period of Chinese history is called the Xiantin period, which is divided into four eras: Hoang, Emperor, King, Ba. The highest rulers were...
A brilliant rainbow band covering the lake is an optical phenomenon formed by ice crystals that refract sunlight. On March 24, amateur photographer Cessna Kutz...