Science Ping

Benefits of drinking tea every day

Drinking tea every day not only helps you improve the resistance of the body, improve its vitality, but also prevent disease.

The benefits of drinking tea every day

Assistant Professor Nguyen Duy Thinh, Hanoi University of Technology, claimed that in products of natural origin, only tea is the best natural drink. People know that tea tree is not a drink like today, but a precious medicine.

Tea experts for many years have said, “The ancient Chinese were one of the first ethnic groups to know tea as herbal medicine. They picked tea leaves, used them fresh, kept them, dried them, boiled water every day, even boiled water for bathing, felt healthy, had skin smooth and no pimples. Since then, people have followed one another and passed on from generation to generation, little by little the tea leaves become a drink ”.

Associate Professor Thinh advised people to drink tea every day, especially in the morning, which will be very beneficial for health.

According to Associate Professor Thinh, today scientists have joined in and clarified many miracles of tea leaves as well as tea drinking.

Fresh tea leaves contain a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin C, which are very anti-inflammatory. Polyphenols are substances causing the characteristic pungent taste of tea and have very effective antioxidant and antibacterial effects without causing toxicity. Mostly, it is found in tea leaves along with Epi Gallo Catechin Galat (abbreviated EGCG) which is a very powerful antioxidant.

So drinking tea regularly helps the body to eliminate free radicals. This is the reason why people get sick and get old quickly.

“Tea leaves also contain two substances, teobromine and teophyline, which help the body to quickly excrete harmful substances, including caffeine. People who are suffering from heat stroke should drink a few cups of diluted tea, mix some sugar and salt to stay awake quickly, ”Associate Professor Thinh said.

However, the benefits of tea are only effective if the tea plant is grown, cared for, and harvested correctly from the stage of using chemicals to kill pests, harvest and fertilize. Therefore, tea cultivation models must guarantee hygiene, safety and quality criteria to provide clean foods to consumers.

1. Tea contains a lot of antioxidants

When we eat, the body has to convert food into energy. As a result, this process produces by-products called free radicals. These chemicals are quite toxic and can damage the body through a process called oxidation. Theoretically, these free radicals are at the origin of aging.

But don’t worry, we can fight these free radicals by absorbing antioxidants and one easy way is to drink tea everyday.

In clinical experiments published by the American Dietetic Association, scientists have shown that drinking tea every day can have positive health effects. These theories come from the fact that green tea contains high levels of flavonoids, antioxidants capable of eliminating these harmful free radicals.

2. Drink anti-cancer tea

Tea has been shown to activate detoxifying enzymes inside the body that prevent tumor growth, and there is a link between cancer prevention and tea consumption.

According to an ongoing study in women with breast cancer, the polyphenols in green tea may reduce the proteins responsible for the growth of tumor cells.

Dr Katherine Crew, a graduate student of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia University, also conducted a study in men with prostate cancer and found that green tea drinkers had lower prostate antigens. significantly, which is associated with the development of prostate tumors.

3. Drinking tea helps improve memory

According to a study by the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Basel in Switzerland, sipping a cup of tea improves memory. Until last year, the effect of tea on cognition was speculation, but with advancements in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), Dr. Stefan Borgwardt found an increase in connections in the posterior cortex. when he was drinking tea. Specifically, tea drinkers have shown increased connectivity in key parts of the brain involved in memory.

The study used healthy male volunteers, offered them a tea-based drink, and found not only an increase in connections between brain organs, but also improved performance on tests.

4. Reduce stress

I have a friend who regularly takes L-theanine, an amino acid found almost exclusively in tea. He suffers from chronic mild anxiety which leads to various anger situations. I don’t want to try situations at all. I just want to say that green tea with L-theanine and L-theanine can help you relax and reduce anxiety.

A study published in the journal “Trends in Food Science and Technology” by Dr. Juneja’s team showed that l-theanine acts as a neurotransmitter that increases alpha waves in the brain. Alpha waves are considered a sign of relaxation. The volunteers were given 50-200 mg of L-theanine and found that the alpha waves increased without causing drowsiness.

5. Drinking tea is good for heart health

Tea is good for the heart I am not a doctor, but many studies show that green tea can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

According to the Harvard Heart Letter, Japanese people who drink five cups of tea a day have a 26% lower heart attack rate.

In another study, the Athens School of Medicine asked 14 volunteers to drink green tea and lukewarm water with caffeine. By measuring blood pressure and using ultrasound to check whether the pulse has dilated or not, doctors have found that green tea drinkers have significantly dilated blood vessels, which helps reduce cardiovascular risks such as atherosclerosis. strong.

6. Drinking tea helps burn fat

“Tea is thermogenic and promotes oxidation because it contains caffeine.” That’s what Dr. Abdul G. Dulloo, author of a study published in the American journal Lam San Nutrition, told WebMD.

Heat generation is the phenomenon of the burning of energy in the body while eating and drinking, you can see when someone finishes sweating.

Coffee helps burn fat and increase metabolism, but this effect of green tea is even more so.

Another section of the journal “Advances in Nutrition” mentions a number of studies that have shown how green tea can improve fat burning.

These studies are still limited to highlighting the health benefits of green tea, but if it has a fat burning effect, why not give it a try.

We already know that tea contains many antioxidants, it is good for the heart, the brain and anti-cancer, now it also helps to burn excess fat, why not actively drink it?

8. Drink tea to help kill bacteria

When you get sick, your doctor gives you antibiotics. We all do, but is taking this antibiotic a good approach? What about a natural remedy? I’m not saying green tea will heal when you get sick (probably not), but it probably doesn’t cost anything without trying.

Green tea contains other antioxidants called catechins. According to a study published in the journal “Food Technology”, these catechins, in particular epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG), can inhibit the growth of many bacterial species. These catechins bind together in the membrane surrounding bacteria. By penetrating the outer layer of bacteria, EGCG and ECG prevent bacteria from exerting harmful effects on the disease.

9. Drink cholesterol-controlled tea

High cholesterol is quite common, with 73.5 million adults having high LDL cholesterol, which I mentioned in our article on coconut oil. Obviously, people are looking for ways to lower “bad” cholesterol. Green tea helps us control this.

10. Drinking tea is good for your oral health

Here is a brief summary of the effects of green tea listed by

Bad breath – the bacteria and microorganisms that make our breath smell bad, the antimicrobial properties of green tea will help you get your breath back in nature.
Oral Cancer – Green tea not only helps prevent breast and prostate cancer as mentioned above, but it also helps slow the progression of oral cancer.
Tooth wear – A study in a journal of periodontology shows that green tea can significantly reduce tooth enamel loss.
Gums – the antioxidants in green tea have anti-inflammatory effects. So, they can help control gum disease.
Tooth decay – green tea prevents bacteria as mentioned above. It helps reduce the amount of bacteria and acids in the mouth.
Green tea supports stomach health

11. Drinking tea is good for the stomach

Stomach problems are quite common: stomach pain, stomach pain, stomach ulcers, enteritis or heartburn …

According to Medscape published in 2012, 20% of people have ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease. And according to the Florida Hospital, more than 40% of Americans have heartburn at least once a month.

The anti-inflammatory effects of drinking tea mentioned above can help prevent the unpleasant problems above. A study from the University of Cincinnati found that EGCG in green tea is beneficial for people with colitis and intestinal inflammation. Not to mention that the anticancer properties are also effective against colon cancer.

12. Drinking tea is a magic of youth

As mentioned, tea contains many antioxidants, while the main cause of aging is oxidation by free radicals. According to San Francisco Gate, a Campbell University study found that Japanese people who experience the tea ceremony have a longer lifespan.

Additionally, the anti-inflammatory and fat burning effects mentioned above help improve health while increasing longevity.

Free radicals also affect our skin, and the antioxidants in green tea help inhibit free radicals that break down collagen, the protein in our skin that helps us look young.

I have learned from experience that it is important not to drink green tea in the morning without eating anything (but drinking water in the morning when you are hungry is fine!) Will cause irritation to the mucous membrane. of the stomach and will increase acidity, which can cause apples. Constipation, nausea. In addition, the acrid substances in the tea will go into the viscera and cool the spleen, the taste makes you eat away at your body. To overcome this, just add a little cream or milk.

13. Effectively stop the spread of HIV in the body

Polyphenol EGCG trong trà có hiệu quả ngăn chặn sự lây lan của virus HIV trong cơ thể ngườiThe EGCG polyphenol contained in tea effectively prevents the spread of the HIV virus in the human body.

British and American scientists published research reports in the journal “Clinical and Allergic Immunology” indicating that the EGCG polyphenol contained in tea effectively prevents the spread of the HIV virus in the human body, vaccination is effective against infection with HIV.

14. Reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 71%

Researchers at the National University of Singapore followed 63,257 Chinese in Singapore for 12 years aged 45 to 75. The study revealed the incidence of the development of Parkinson’s disease in middle-aged and elderly people. do not drink the habit of tea.

15. Amino acids in tea will improve your mood

Either way, drinking tea promotes a better mood, the amino acids in tea can promote the secretion of dopamine, and dopamine is the substance that governs emotions, pleasure, libido and properties. inducing dependence. The emotions after drinking tea are beyond the drinker’s intention and control.

16. Reduce the incidence of prostate cancer

Organizations such as the National Cancer Center of Japan, Case Western Reserve University USA, Curtin University Australia have published research on “Green tea and prostate cancer” shows the rate of disease in men. Have a 60% lower habit of drinking green tea than non-green tea drinkers.

17. Significantly reduces symptoms of diabetes

Research conducted at the Toyama University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Japan found: 1,300 diabetic patients who drank tea mixed with cooled boiled water, over a 6-month period, 82% of diabetic patients had significantly reduced their symptoms. About 9% of diabetics recover normal blood sugar levels.

Nếu bạn trằn trọc suốt đêm, thì hãy thử thư giãn với một tách trà trước khi đi ngủ.If you are tossed about all night, try relaxing with a cup of tea before bed.

18. The skin will be healthier

Drinking black tea regularly can greatly reduce the risk of skin cancer. Notably, the way the tea is brewed also makes a difference. Black tea is very useful against squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Hot tea has been found to be more beneficial than iced tea, and setting time is an issue.

19. Improved sleep

If you are tossed about all night, try relaxing with a cup of tea before bed. Dong A medicinal tea can improve insomnia. According to an integrated medicine research study, drinking tea may help improve sleep and quality of life for people with mild to moderate insomnia.

20. Improved attention

The caffeine in tea can improve attention and alertness. Theanine is an amino acid that is found almost exclusively in tea (other than Bay bolete mushroom). You can also improve your attention by relaxing your brain, but stimulating it when it’s time to focus. If you have trouble concentrating or paying attention, try drinking a hot cup of tea right before work or looking for other reasons that might distract you.

21. Accelerated transformation

Are you ready to speed up your metabolism while sitting at the dining table? The caffeine in tea improves sensitivity and increases metabolism and fat burning (up to 100 calories per day). Just make sure you’re not consuming too much caffeine. One cup of green tea contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine, and doctors recommend limiting your daily caffeine intake to no more than 300 to 400 milligrams.

22. You may not be getting enough iron

Catechins in tea can affect the body’s ability to absorb iron. This means that even if you eat enough foods rich in iron, you will not get the benefits and could suffer from anemia. Although most healthy people are not affected by this, people with iron deficiency or anemia should not drink a lot of green tea. These include children, pregnant women, and anyone with a history of kidney disease.

23. There may be an increased risk of bleeding

Drinking a lot of tea every day can put you at risk for bleeding from minor scratches or bumps. This makes you more likely to have bruises. Therefore, doctors often advise patients to stop drinking tea two to three weeks before surgery.

Catechin trong trà có thể cản trở một số loại thuốc điều trị bệnh tim và huyết áp.The catechins in tea can interfere with some heart disease and blood pressure medications.

24. Medication may not work

Although the benefits of tea seem limitless, talk to your doctor before brewing a pot of tea per day. Catechins can interfere with some heart disease and blood pressure medications. It is important to discuss this with your doctor.

25. How much tea should I drink?

Studies vary widely on the number of cups of tea you drink per day. You want to get the most out of it without overdoing the caffeine. For maximum health benefits from green tea, it is most effective to drink three to five cups of green tea per day.

26. Which tea is the best for your health?

When choosing a tea, make sure it doesn’t contain sugar. Even though some flavored teas don’t contain calories, they can still contain artificial sugars and preservatives. Make your own tea instead of buying pre-brewed tea. The more carefully the tea leaves are processed, the less effective the catechin. Green tea is the least processed and has the greatest health benefits of the teas available.

27. “Good” fat activation

Your body is made up of two types of fat: white fat and brown fat. While white fat in the body appears when we gain weight, brown fat can actually help you lose weight. Brown fat, although in much less quantity in the body, is metabolically active and is burnt in calories. Brown fat can also help absorb white fat from the body and help improve insulin levels.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that with caffeine, the catechin compounds in green tea increased brown fat in study participants. And the more calories an adult has from brown fat, the better.

28. Green tea + exercise: the powerful weight loss duo

In a recent 12-week study, participants who drank 4 to 5 cups of green tea per day with sprinting exercises lost more belly fat and total fat while also increasing lean muscle mass with exercise. , people don’t drink tea. It seems like green tea is the only pre-workout drink you need!

29. Helps recovery after exercise

Exercise is an essential part of any weight loss plan, but aches and pains and recovery after intense training can keep people from exercising for longer than they want.

Polish scientists found that study participants who consumed 3 cups of soft drinks per day for a week had fewer signs of cell damage due to resistance to exercise. So, you should enjoy a cup of green tea before and after your workout.

How to make tea for better health?

Green tea has health protection, antioxidant, anti-radical, anti-aging … because green tea leaves are rich in polyphenols. If green tea is brewed with too high boiling water or for too long, the polyphenols will be destroyed, the tea will turn yellow and the tea aroma will evaporate.

Normally, tea with a temperature of around 80 ° C is best, the best brewing time is 2-3 minutes, ready to drink. The ratio of tea to water should also be appropriate with the ratio of 1:50, usually use 3g of tea to mix with 150ml of water, tea after brewing is light between pale green and dark green.

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